Bodies torn to pieces in suitcases, speaks the daughter of the alleged victims. The autopsy: they were killed


“I spoke with the carabinieri and I am waiting for their answers to carry out the DNA test.” So says Dorina Pasho, daughter of Shpetim and Teuta Pasho, the two Albanian spouses who disappeared in November 2015 to whom the human remains found in three suitcases in the field a few meters from the Sollicciano prison in Florence may belong. “I would not need to speak to any newspaper until the real things of the police officers present come out,” added the woman, “we ask for peace of mind because we don’t even know if” the bodies found “are them or not.” Dorina Pasho lives in Castelfiorentino, where her father and mother had arrived from Albania to visit relatives and their son detained in the city prison, a penitentiary that borders the land where the suitcases were found.

Autopsy of the remains found in three suitcases in Florence

From an initial autopsy, it was speculated that the two may have met their deaths about a year ago. Later, the corpses would be cut with an industrial saw; the man’s has a deep cut in his throat, a circumstance that would suggest that he was murdered. The same fate befell the woman, who would have been beaten to death while lying on the ground and then suffocated. The hypothesis reconstructed by the coroner is that the middle-aged woman, who had been dead for at least a year, would have been lying shortly before her death. The killer sat on top of her body, putting pressure on her sternum. The killer would then hit her. There were numerous bruises and bruises on the woman’s face and head. Several fractured ribs found at autopsy.
