after a month it is positive again


Archive image (La Presse)
in photo: Archive image (La Presse)

Fought against COVID-19 for two weeks, with a high fever and severe symptoms. After two negative swabs and a sigh of relief, a short time later he tested positive again. And the nightmare began again, with a high fever and body aches. It happened to a 25-year-old girl living in Rome, a young teacher who is in good health and is not immunosuppressed. Twice positive in a month: although, at least for the moment, it is not ruled out that it is not one relapse of the first disease given the short time the positive swab has passed. If it is a new reinfection, the doctors after the corresponding tests will determine it.

The story of the covid positive girl twice in a month

Ansa compiled the girl’s story. “I started to feel bad in mid-October – said the 25-year-old – but the first quick swab on October 13 was negative. As I continued to feel bad, I did a second molecular buffer at Fiumicino’s drive-in theater on October 20 and tested positive. “The girl had very strong symptoms: pain in the muscles, fever, severe shortness of breath. The general practitioner followed her home, who treated her until she felt better. The October 30 swab gave a negative result, Just like the one on November 13. I was convinced that I was about to start the ascent, and after a while she started to feel bad again. “Starting on November 13, I felt nauseous again. well I was just tired, out of breath, the doctor told me it was normal. After a few days they are back to school where I work“, he recounted. Then it is the father’s turn: the man took a swab and tested positive.” As a precaution in the family, we all did the swab: I tested positive for molecular, had a fever of 38.5 and now I have muscle aches again. “
