Dpcm and Natale, Cts: “Strengthen measures and increase controls.” Tense meeting


Rome, December 15, 2020 – A document, that of the CTS, which leaves open several questions about the Christmas. “Strengthen the measures and increase controls according to the indications contained in the Dpcm of December 3, modulating them as deemed appropriate”: these are the main indications that the Scientific Technical Committee put pencil on paper at the end of the second meeting on the river today, which substantially confirmed the need to strengthen the control device for meetings in squares, streets and shopping streets in the days before the holidays.

Covid, the bulletin of December 15: 846 dead

The minutes, prepared by the Committee, refer to the risk of gatherings but not to the possible or eventual closures of the regions or of the red, orange or yellow zones. Especially indoor places and those where the mask can be removed are of concern to experts. On the movements, which will be blocked as of December 21, the Committee has not expressed itself, leaving in fact the decision to the government on how and where to close based on stored data. The summit, which appears to have been quite heated, therefore ended with a report focusing in particular on controls and meetings. “It was a difficult and intense meeting in which all the members of the Committee expressed themselves – said the coordinator Agostino Miozzo – as always happens in our meetings. In the end we reached a meeting point and unanimously shared the need to tighten the measures to contain the infection. Therefore, we suggest that Minister Roberto Speranza and the government consider the provisions of the legislation already in force. “

It will not be “a confinement like in March. The epidemiological situation is very different, now it affects the whole country,” explained the pulmonologist. Luca richeldi, member of the Cts, at Rg3 -. Unfortunately, deaths are widespread in all regions and there are regions that are moving on a trajectory of increasing cases. This requires a general reflection on the part of all, but certainly a tendency towards more restrictive measures than those that have been in force. “

Now it will be Palazzo Chigi who decides the new grips in the coming days. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte in the afternoon he was not unbalanced: “We have already prepared a plan for the Christmas holidays. Perhaps there will be some tweaks. In light of the suggestions of the Scientific Technical Committee we will introduce some additional measurements. We are thinking about it. We have to avoid a third wave in any case because it would be very strong. “He added:” The system of colored regions is working, we have avoided a generalized blockade like in Germany. With well defined and calibrated measurements we are holding up this second wave well ”.

The Minister of Autonomous Affairs continues in the position of rigor Francesco Boccia: “The CTS evaluations are there for all to see – he told diMartedì in La7 -. After this phase with almost all of Italy in yellow it is necessary to close as much as possible: from 23-24-25 in forward the evaluations that we will make Italy of a single color, the more intense the color, the more restrictions there are. If the question is if you have a Christmas dinner, the answer is no, from my point of view. “And he concluded: “Assuming social gatherings is crazy and having dinner with partners is wrong. We have a duty to ensure health and save lives, not to stimulate gatherings or dinners: we can have dinners and we will do them next year. “

Today, at a press conference, the Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Gianni rezza, he warned: “The death toll is dramatic, without measures that will finally force the closure.” And he added that it is “too early to say if we will reopen the schools.”

Movements prohibited outside the municipal limits. Government ready for the ultimate Christmas squeeze
