The most affected Region is Veneto with 3,320 new infections, followed by Lombardy (2,404) and Emilia-Romagna (1,238)

The most affected region is the Veneto with 3,320 new infections, follow the Lombardy (2,404) and Emilia-Romagna (1,238). It is confirmed that the number of patients admitted to intensive care is decreasing. To date, according to data released by the Ministry of Health, there are 3,003 (-92) compared to Monday. Patients with symptoms are also down from 27,765 yesterday to 27,342 today (-423). Discharged or healed increased from 21,799 to 1,137,416. Currently, the positives in Italy are 667,303 (-7,806). The total number of cases reached 1,870,576.