After 17 years, the Minister of Education Lucia azzolina launches the second contest for the hiring of religion teachers. The first dates from 2004 and was banned by the then minister. Mariastella gelmini. Selection at the starting line is what precarious historians did not want because it was selective, that is, for examinations and degrees. Yesterday afternoon, the tenant of Viale Trastevere and the president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, the Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, have signed the agreement on the contest foreseen by the school decree last year. A necessary agreement, explained the Ministry of Education, “to be able to proceed with the call itself,” is expected in the coming weeks. The procedure will cover vacant and available positions in the next three years: from 2020/2021 to 2022/2023.
Despite the satisfaction expressed by Azzolina And the years of waiting, there are many stomachaches in Catholic circles. During the meeting, Bassetti He recalled that “the next contest is an important step not only for the professional stabilization of many teachers, but also for the dignity of teaching itself, which is still attended by a large majority of students.” While the minister thanked the CEI “for the collaboration that allowed us to reach this agreement that goes in the direction of protecting the aspirations of teachers of the Catholic religion.” Those who, even in this difficult time of health emergency, have given their contribution in the schools where they teach.
The contest provides that “a participation of no more than 50 percent of the places may be reserved for personnel in possession of the recognition of suitability issued by the diocesan Ordinary and who have performed at least three years of service in the schools of the national educational system” : state and equal. This is precisely the point that makes many teachers who have been waiting for the contest for almost twenty years turn their noses. Because 16 years ago it took at least four years of service to participate in the kermesse and those who had had their first substitute in 2001, almost twenty years ago, were excluded. Their hope was to get a competition with all the places reserved, not half. Anaps (the autonomous national association of school professionals), which has a strong presence of Catholic teachers within it, expresses its satisfaction with the agreement signed yesterday.
But he does not miss, expressing himself with forceful words, the opportunity to reiterate what the historic precarious religious workers have been asking for for years: a non-selective competition, like the one that the Good School has planned for teachers of all other subjects that are they teach in Italian schools. “We hope – reads a note released by Anaps – that in a future meeting with the unions the will of the minister to announce a reserved non-selective contest will be reaffirmed, according to the premise contained in this agreement with the CEI, and that he will not allow himself to request an ordinary contest , which would discriminate against teachers of religion, who even at this time of health emergency are showing a sense of duty equal to other teachers.