Descriptive judgments of the primary school, Azzolina: “The Ministry will be next to the schools.” Ascani: “Great response in difficult times” [VIDEO]



Presented, during an online meeting, the Ordinance and Guidelines for the introduction of descriptive judgment in periodic and final assessment in primary school.

The Minister of Education intervened, Lucia azzolina, the vice minister Anna Ascani, the head of department of the Ministry, Max bruschi, the coordinator of the working group, Elisabetta nigris

Lucia azzolina

The introduction of descriptive judgment in the periodic and final evaluation in primary school is a concrete development in child assessment activities, a decisive step that is part of a more complex path of change and innovation that this Ministry is trying to
trigger at the school at 360 degrees and that we are carrying it out with great enthusiasm because we firmly believe that the school, especially in the time of the coronavirus, is a school that feels the need to change, to mutate, to regenerate, to renew itself , to go a little faster and to always be in tune with the times “.

It is clear that the Minister stressed that “It is an important novelty and must be supported by accompanying measures for schools: training actions that aim to enhance the culture of evaluation and guarantee greater clarity to students and families about the results of schooling. The more families that are trained and involved, the more they will help the school to support the children. kids on learning. “

Descriptive judgment rather than votes in tenths, Azzolina explained again, is “A more complete evaluation and closer to the specificities of each student, especially for the little ones. The objective is to follow the learning path imagining it as a path, in which teaching can be adapted and remodeled according to the specific educational needs of the students and learning styles, modifying the teaching activities if necessary as they want to be strengthened ”.

Still: “Therefore, we attribute more value to the progressive acquisition of knowledge and skills, supporting and enhancing the motivation for continuous improvement. The descriptive judgment helps, it does not have the coldness of the numerical grade: it also becomes a fundamental element in the activity of teachers, it is configured as an irreplaceable tool for the construction of didactic strategies in the teaching and learning process ”.

“Today – He concluded – We are building a new chapter: we are redesigning a path that puts students at the center, turns them into active protagonists of a process of training and growth, learning actors and we can do it through the other two fundamental sections, teachers and families, including an educational alliance is essential “

Anna Ascani

“This ministerial order marks an important turning point desired by much of the school community and which would have been unthinkable without the work done in Parliament. We are moving towards a rethinking of the way students are evaluated, especially boys and girls ”.

“It is necessary to adequately describe the path of a girl and a boy, which cannot be summed up in one vote”Ascani added, underlining how, especially in this period, “thethe world of education has shown an extraordinary capacity to serve society. The school must make use of what has been learned in this phase in terms of didactic innovation and this ordinance is a tool that can help us go in the right direction ”.

Descriptive reviews of elementary school, which changes



As of the 2020/2021 school year, the periodic and final evaluation of learning is expressed, for each of the study disciplines contemplated by the National Indications, including the transversal teaching of civic education, through a descriptive judgment reported in the evaluation document, in the formative perspective of the evaluation and enhancement of learning improvement. Descriptive judgments refer to the assessed objectives defined in the school curriculum and are correlated with the different levels of learning. The permanent evaluation must in any case be formative and progressively coherent with the descriptive evaluation.

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