Close confrontation between the government and the opposition over the budget maneuver. Several problems remain on the table that must be resolved in a short time. In the last few hours a hypothesis has emerged about the autonomous package: in fact, the cessation of contributions to the VAT numbers up to 50 thousand euros. This is not the only news on the horizon. The extent and extent of 110% Superbonus in two stages. On both issues a compact front was formed, made up of practically all the political forces.
Agreement on changes to the Maneuver does not seem far off. The center-right asked, however, to have more time for the examination of the bill: if it is granted, there could be an extension of the times compared to the current calendar. The fundamental points of the debate are, therefore, the extension of the maximum tax discount for energy requalification measures and security of buildings and support for the self-employed. As the Sun 24 hours on the VAT front, yesterday the Chancellor spoke Luigi di maio who, in a position, announced the Government’s intention to exclude the self-employed with “income” of up to 50 thousand euros from the payment of the minimum contributions. The opposition, although in agreement, however, stressed that it was the first to propose the white year on the contributions for VAT numbers.
What seems likely is that the intervention could be limited to the smallest VAT figures by supporting it with a fund of at least one billion euros. In addition, the possibility of combining this measure with the incipient one would be considered. Cig for freelancers registered in the independent management of the Inps.
Different speech, however, for the extension and extension of the Superbonus by 110%. For this provision it is necessary to wait for the definition of Recovery plan. The Vice Minister of Economy, Antonio Misiani, recalled how the next generation of the EU will be used to support 110% of state spending. Attention to the figures: the same exponent of the government has specified that for each semester of extension it is necessary to allocate about 5,000 million euros. A very respectable figure. For this reason, it would be considering extending the tax relief for the first semester of 2022 using the endowment from the Recovery Fund, estimated at 20 billion, not used to cover the entirety of next year, considering also valid the energy redevelopment interventions and earthquake bonus. it always started in June 2022 and was completed in the second part of that year.
In addition to the discussion on these two measures, other changes in the maneuver are not excluded. Possible news on store rentals, with the stabilization of the fixed rate tax and the calibration of tax credits, and new limits and exceptions to the compensation of debts and tax credits with Public administration. In a few days it will be known whether the confrontation between the government and the opposition has paid off.