For Christmas the Lord frees us from Covid and from this government (even rejected by De Benedetti) – Il Tempo


Franco Bechis

He would have thought of everything in life except having to applaud Carlo De Benedetti. But last night seeing him in Lilli Gruber’s Otto e mezzo really escaped applause.

Faced with the usual television judgment against Italians, which seems to be the main sport of the useless ruling class and intelligentsia of this country, the engineer delivered his thunderous “I’m not there” that left the studio stunned. De Benedetti stopped the sickly lynching of Italian citizens who filled the streets over the weekend by pointing a finger at the exclusive responsibilities of Giuseppe Conte and his government: “Italians did not only what they were allowed to do, but what the government itself had asked to do. For a week they had been hammering away with the cash-back operation, pressuring Italians to make purchases with ATMs and credit cards in stores to recoup 10 percent, something that would not have happened buying in line. Did they push them to do it and then get outraged because they did it? “

Couldn’t have said it better. But De Benedetti sank the blow again: “The Italians were told everything and quite the opposite, those who ruled them only offered great confusion because they did not understand anything about the pandemic. It is enough to think that just over a month ago Conte had motivated the division of Italy into yellow, orange and red zones with his regional closures in order to allow the Christmas holidays in peace, and we are seeing how this is not the case at all … “.

Impeccable, and I do not mention any fan of the center right, rather the opposite. In the same program, De Benedetti reassured Gruber and Severgnini by explaining that, according to him, if we went to elections and the center-right won, it would last for one morning and Europe would close its coffers, which would be normal because it cannot be done at the same time. weather. the anti-Europeans and then they appear with their hat in hand. I do not have the same opinion on this point, firstly because the Recovery Fund actually donates to Italy about fifteen billion euros net (most are loans, the rest is financed with new taxes that Italians have to pay and with contributions from Italy to the common budget of the European Union), and secondly because the bankruptcy of Italy would be an economic problem for the entire eurozone, which would therefore do everything possible to avoid it regardless of who sits in Palazzo Chigi.

But this time De Benedetti’s intellectual honesty is surprising, even more so in such gray times when freedom is so compressed and the temptations of a regime are more and more rampant.

We are still not clear what the government intends to do on the Italians’ Christmas: yesterday they had to make a decision, but they had the intention of defending or sharing their seats, which seemed more urgent than explaining to those who have economic activities if they can remain open and therefore. They need to refuel for those days or stop everything that they have little time left. These lords in command, however, are inclined to their own comforts, and do not care about the needs of the Italians who consider them only shoulders to blame for their inability to rule. Sharp and intolerable words that have now escaped even the slightest bit of common sense: the worst government Italy has had since the war. A natural disaster that amplifies the damage of this cursed virus, which is why we can only pray during these holy holidays that it will be possible to reunite our families: «Free us, Domine!». Deliver us, Lord. From the virus and these human flagella.
