Published on: 12/15/2020 7:55 AM
“Some political issues have been raised. We will listen to all parties, as it should be, to ensure that government action can restart in a more cohesive and shared way.” In an interview with the Press Giuseppe Conte does not hide the difficulties Regarding the majority verification: “The the government must move forward, but under certain conditions and not at any cost. We can only govern if there is mutual trust between us. “As for words like” superpowers “and phrases like” man in command “, the prime minister specifies:” This is all nonsense: perhaps I am the prime minister who used the most popular method for many years in this part. “
Conte talks about the Recovery Plan and the Next Generation EU, specifying that “we are not late and this has also been clarified by the European Commission, which in turn is defining a schedule and that it is very unlikely that it will be available to receive the various national plans before the end of February. So we have plenty of time to define our plan. When we have the update document we will send it to Parliament and acquire their assessments and directions. Then we will confront the opposition and the social partners, and in that At the moment we will draw up the final plan. And that plan too, then, will return to the scrutiny of Parliament. I said it from the beginning: my objective is to parley all phases of preparation and implementation of the Recovery. And it will be. “
As for the verification of the majority, which has just started with the meetings with M5S and Pd, “I am not worried – says the premier -. In these hours there are clashes with individual political forces, so surely we could also have a collective confrontation. There has been clear criticism from a political force, in particular Italia Viva, and it is only fair that there is this confrontation. But citizens must be calm: we do not want, or at least I do not want to waste energy with regard to government action, which at this time of emergency is obviously even more intense. We have to collect all the instances, and that is what we are doing. We will discuss and find the formula to reinforce this government action and relaunch it, also on the basis of shared priorities. At this moment we can afford anything but to give a signal of little cohesion among the majority forces. We have great challenges ahead: Recovery, the health emergency, the G20 that has just begun, the Global Health Summit still within the G20, COP 26, which is the most important event in the world for climate change. . These challenges can only be faced if the forces have clear objectives and priorities and are capable of expressing a sufficient degree of solidarity and cohesion to achieve them ”.
“I am not saying – concludes Conte – neither that the government is not taking risks nor that I am available for a reorganization. Instead, I say that we will complete this confrontation with the political forces openly, with total transparency and clarity towards the citizens. We have a different logic than in the past: we have nothing to hide. Political problems have been posed to us: we will address them, for the government to move forward. We have a responsibility to move forward. But we can continue under certain conditions. We can only move forward if there is trust and we are united. Have very clear common objectives and be clear about the spirit of cohesion and solidarity that is needed at this stage. We cannot afford to face the enormous challenges that await us without sharing. Nobody here wants to float, let alone heat armchairs ”.
Regarding the polls that would see the Prime Minister with 60% of the votes, Conte affirms that “my attitude and my method have never changed. Polls don’t distract me, even though I’m a human being and I don’t mind seeing me get up. But people close to me, friends and ministers who work with me can testify that I was not in a bad mood when I dropped a few points. “On the name ‘one man in charge’,” my method is perhaps the most participatory one has implemented in recent years. Even the famous Dpcm, which bear my signature, are absolutely participatory measures. Now we have reached four levels of sharing. We work with the ministerial delegation, then we listen to the CTS experts, then we meet with the regions and then the application group leaders. Not only that, then we also go to Parliament, where we also listen to all the opposition. So I challenge anyone to speak of a dictatorship or a Count who wants to decide everything for himself. They are just slogans, but frankly it does not correspond to reality. Closing out and escaping the confrontation is not my style, I have never done it in my life.
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