The government: “Early curfew at 20”. New lock for bars, shops and restaurants


The ghost of the confinement haunts Europe. Germany has already decided from January 16 to 10, the Netherlands for five weeks, London from December 16 to 23. And the real battle that is being fought in these hours between those who take penalties and the local openings – except that mobility will be limited beyond what is foreseen by the Dpcm of December 3 – is whether or not to block shops and restaurants. The closure, during the holiday period, would have a significant economic impact, and would be a definitive blow for many companies, and this agitates political forces. The hypothesis that is being discussed in these hours is to opt for an increase …

The ghost of emergency shutdown roams Europe. Has already decided Germany from January 16 to 10,Netherlands for five weeks, London from December 16 to 23. It is the real battle that is being fought in these hours between the local penalty shooters and the openers, except that mobility will be limited beyond what is foreseen by the Dpcm of December 3 – is whether to block or not i shops and restaurants. The closure, during the holiday period, would have a significant economic impact, and would be a definitive blow for many companies, and this agitates political forces.

The hypothesis that is being discussed in these hours is to opt for a temporary and homogeneous elevation to Throughout the national territory (see if in a single block of 9 or 14 days or in more blocks related to Christmas holidays and Sundays for a total of ten days) on the orange level. This, while closing municipal boundaries, would allow shops, hairdressers, beauticians and other personal services to be kept open, while restaurants and other catering activities, including bars, pastry shops and ice cream parlors, would be open exclusively for the sale of food for carry, allowed. from 5 to 22, and for home delivery, allowed without a time limit. And the revolting merchants in the parades shout “bankruptcy” at the nightmare.

The government would like to add a extension of the ‘curfew’ that could take place at 8:00 p.m., at least January 25-6 (to give retailers a chance until the 24th to ditch the strong demand for holiday shopping and still allow for the Christmas mass on the 24th). Probably also one shopping centers are closed from January 24 to 3, excluding supermarkets, tobacconists, kiosks and pharmacies, parapharmacies that are located within them. The ski areas are always closed, while the activities of gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers and spas are also suspended. If Italy becomes the orange zone, or worse still, the red zone, new aid will be activated for the sanctioned categories, on this the Minister of Economy Gualtieri has already given the green light. The problem is how much to recognize.

“More restrictions – asked the Minister of Agriculture and Head of Delegation of Iv, Teresa Bellanova – they must provide adequate refreshment, equivalent to 100% of losses, especially if they also involve restaurants, an eventuality about which I remain highly skeptical because closing restaurants will only increase the number of extended lunches and dinners at homes, where the La guarantee of social distancing is not controllable ”. The hypothesis of a restaurant closure infuriates him. chef Gianfranco Vissani: “Before deciding what to do, the government gives us the money to pay employees and suppliers. At christmas and new year all restaurants must decide whether to stay open. “From the executive comes a call for a kind of self-control.” We must absolutely avoid meetings. It is legitimate that people can buy – stressed the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza – but we must avoid meetings. “

Also for this reason it is likely that the national measures that will be decided by the side will have a more extensive use by the prefects and mayors of the ordinance power provided by the Dpcm of December 3 to close individual streets and squares. .

Alessandro Farruggia
