
“A crappy thing.” Matteo salvini, in relation to Nicola Porro to Fourth republic On Rete 4, hit hard at the premiere Giuseppe Conte: “With all the problems that Italy has at the moment, they close at Palazzo Chigi to talk rearrange, audits and secret services. “The health of the executive is not optimal, and the leader of the League He immediately makes it clear: “If the government fell only down two paths: either elections or a government led by the center right.”

In the last weekend, the first in the yellow zone for the whole country, many ministers attacked the Italians guilty of having taken to the streets. “If the government tells you to run to the stores, are they surprised that people are out shopping?” Salvini’s comment borders on the obvious, but not to the outraged Giallorossi. “Abroad – Salvini points out – the rules are respected so that the government does what it says. reopen schools without first increasing the public transport. We ask that Italian families do not separate at Christmas. “
Harmony with Giorgia Meloni me Silvio Berlusoconi It seems to have been rediscovered, beginning with the unitary proposals of the center-right in economic matters presented yesterday; “You don’t win? You don’t pay taxes, we are working to settle the tax bills that should start in January, our proposal is scrapping and balance and statement.” And inimmigration the former Interior Minister on trial for Gregoretti case remains firm: “I reminded the judge in Catania that we have saved lives, if we return to the government we will do the same. The prosecution says that Salvini has done his duty.”