In an interview with Corriere della Sera, Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa talks about the latest advances in the field of vaccines.
“We need to vaccinate people at risk as soon as possible. At the Bicocca in Milan, a professor has developed an interesting algorithm that crosses the data of the most fragile categories, which must first be vaccinated ”.
Covid vaccine, school staff were among the first to use it. First doses between January 23 and 26
Then announce: “Arcuri and a group of experts are working on it, a serious campaign will be necessary. Starting with the doctors. “
About vaccines for teachers: “Everyone who works in contact with the public must feel safe for themselves and for the people they know. For this reason, teachers must enter the priority categories, immediately, in January with doctors and millions of elderly.
On the reopening of the school: “We have to reopen them and not close them. Unfortunately, the European control center tells us that if we keep the activities open from December 21, on January 7 we will have an increase in infections. You should have a fast lane for students and school staff to make quick swabs. I wonder if at this point it is better to measure the temperature at the entrance of the students “.
Covid vaccine, distribution begins in January: by the summer of 2021 it will be for everyone