Coronavirus, 37 infections out of 503 swabs. But the healed are more


Three hospitalizations and three discharges in today’s Asrem newsletter. Unfortunately, news of another death in Isernia added to the 3 deaths included in the bulletin.

CAMPOBASSO. Coronavirus, infections go down. The new cases verified today are 37, that’s 503 tampons processed. Today’s deaths are those of three patients admitted to the infectious disease ward of the ‘Cardarelli’ hospital in Campobasso: a man from 81 years old from the RSA of Castel del Giudice, a 91 year old man from the RSA of Larino and an 85 year old woman from the RSA of Ripabottoni. Deaths leading to 166 the total number of Covid victims.

For these cases, certified by the bulletin, a new death, that of a man of about 45 years of Isernia, guest of a city installation. The health conditions of the young man, who already suffered from other pathologies, worsened due to Coronavirus infection, before transfer to ‘Cardarelli’.

In today’s 37 infections 7 cases in Campomarino and 8 in Termoli. The other cases in Ferrazzano (1), Frosolone (1), Isernia (4), Macchiagodena (1), Oratino (1), Pietrabbondante (1), Poggio Sannita (1), Portocannone (1), Rotello (1), Sant’Elena Sannita, Sesto Campano (1), Toro (1), Trivento ( 1), Ururi (2), Venafro (4).

From today’s newsletter others 3 hospitalizations for infectious diseases, all from Termoli, like the transferred patient from the intensive therapy of ‘San Timoteo’ to the resuscitation of ‘Cardarelli’. But there is also 3 resignations From the hospital. At the moment they are 67 seats of the ‘Cardarelli’ occupied by Covid patients, of which 59 in Infectious Diseases and 8 in Intensive Care.

The news there is certainly positive. 69 healed furthermore, of which 12 from Campobasso, 12 from Isernia, 7 from Termoli and 5 from Bojano.

With the current cases, the total number of Covid patients in Molise has reached 5,758, that’s 96,673 buffers carried out since the beginning of the epidemic, while the number of positives is currently equal to 2,734. The number of cured is 2,858, while people in isolation are 3,006.

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