Movements prohibited outside the municipal limits. Government ready for the ultimate Christmas squeeze


The negotiation is tight, the goal is to close on Wednesday, if not tomorrow night. The CTS, meeting yesterday with Prime Minister Conte, was clear: we need to reduce mobility during the holidays, under penalty of a third wave that the ISS technicians announce could be “very painful.” Today the Ministry of Health will discuss the formal and reasoned opinion that the CTS was asked yesterday, then there will be a new meeting at Palazzo Chigi with the majority heads of delegation and the ministers directly involved and therefore we will arrive tomorrow for a meeting with the regions. and the autonomous provinces and another …

The negotiation is tight, the goal is to close within wednesdayIf not tomorrow night. the Cts yesterday, meeting the first story, it was clear: we must reduce mobility during the holidays, shame one third wave that ISS technicians advertise could be “very painful.” Today the Ministry of Health will discuss the formal and reasoned opinion that was requested yesterday in the CTS, then there will be a new meeting in the Palazzo Chigi with the majority heads of delegation and the ministers directly involved and therefore we will arrive tomorrow at a meeting with the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces and in another majority meeting after which the government, having drawn up a line and a draft, will listen to the opposition. At that moment, having dissolved the last doubts, the election time will begin.

Yesterday the main (but not exclusive) orientation of the government would be not to resort to red zones but to orange areas, with blocking of mobility within municipal limits, mitigated by an exception for neighboring municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants (or alternatively, the right to move within a 20-30 kilometer radius from home or residence). THE ministers Speranza and Boccia they would prefer a single “German style” block, from December 24 to January 1 inclusive (9 days) or even until January 6 (14 days). But it is quite difficult for such an extreme and long measure, especially the second one, to pass, even though it is actually an orange and not a red area, therefore with open stores, for customers who reside in that municipality. You are more likely to choose the line, loved by Palazzo Chigi but also by Viminale, from a block from December 24 to 27, from December 31 to January 3 and then from January 5 and 6 (10 days in total ), again as an orange zone.

In any case, the Dpcm framework measurements of December 3 and therefore the inviolability of regional borders from December 21 to January 6, without prejudice to labor, health or urgent needs and the right to return to their home or residence. And without prejudice to the repeal for the small neighboring municipalities, on which even CTS experts have given substantial approval.

Practically all the technicians and exponents of the penalty area are there to pressure the government. “In my opinion – observes the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia – it is necessary to restrict more, but it must be a decision based on science and shared. If there are more restrictions, they will be for the holidays and will cover a limited period. The third wave is safe and we cannot afford to deal with it with overwhelmed hospitals. “With him the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza.” My opinion, he says in Tg 3, is that the new measures can help us especially in the weeks of the Christmas holidays to avoid a strong resumption of infections. We are thinking about the two weeks of the Christmas holidays: that is the most difficult period. We will listen carefully to our scientists and hope that in a short time more measures can be taken to avoid a third wave. “
