Reconstruction of the teaching career: does the first salary increase occur at the beginning or at the end of the ninth year of service? Clarifications



The request for career reconstruction, once submitted to the Director between September 1 and December 31 of each year, through online instances, provides for the subsequent decree issued by the school and therefore its transmission to the Official of General Accounting. The law provides for this process to be carried out within two months, but this does not happen. The delays in the issuance of the decree are difficult to identify at the level of responsibility, so much so that the school secretariats blame the same on the territorial offices of the accounting office and vice versa. Result: a significant discomfort in workers who do not see their salary range updated, continuing to receive a salary not in accordance with the number of years of career.

Readers’ doubts – First salary step with the consequent salary increase

A kind reader:

I am not clear when the antique shot is perceived. I was hired on 09-01-2012. With the request for career reconstruction – ignoring the numerous reminders in the secretariat for the issuance of the decree in question – I was granted the year of my military service (2004-2005). Considering the latter, although the 2013 school service is not evaluated, for salary purposes I started my ninth year of service in September 2020. My salary should have already changed or the salary increase is obtained at the end of the ninth year that can be evaluated? “

The application required for career reconstruction – Fundamental to obtain recognition of the service rendered to TD or in another role

Law 107 in art. 1 paragraph 209 says:

Applications for recognition of career-related services of the school personnel are presented to the director of the center in the period between September 1 and December 31 of each year, without prejudice to current regulations for the exercise of the right to recognition of services for career purposes. […]”

What translated means that the request for career reconstruction, presented by the personnel confirmed in the position after the expiration of the probationary year, allows to obtain the recognition of the valid services provided – in a fixed term and in other roles – before entering . in the same current membership. In this way the salary range of membership will be determined.

Why will the salary range of members be determined?

Before submitting the application in question, the worker has the number of years of service from the year in which he was hired. A teacher who, for example, signed his permanent contract on September 1, 2014 and has seven years of pre-role, if he does not submit the application for career reconstruction, in the eyes of the Ministry of Economy – simplifying to the minimum – is has a 6-year service. The natural consequence of all this is that the teacher will belong to the first salary bracket: 0-8 years.

That’s what the instance is for. Once presented, the worker in question will be granted the years of service prior to the position, which, added to those of the position, will allow them to position themselves in the following salary bracket: 9-14 years. By now almost everyone knows this, but for those who are approaching the world of work and school for the first time, changing from one salary position to another has significant meaning. It means earning between 1200 and 1800 euros more net per year. Let’s retrieve some figures in reference to seniority and related salary increases:

Teacher salary: salary ranges based on years of service

For teachers hired before 09/01/2011 the classes / salary bands are:

  • from 0 to 3 years -> band 0
  • from 3 to 9 years -> band 3
  • from 9 to 15 years -> band 9
  • from 15 to 21 years -> band fifteen
  • from 21 to 28 years -> band twenty-one
  • from 28 to 35 years -> band 28
  • from 35 years to end of service -> support 35

For all teachers hired after 09/01/2011 the classes / salary bands are instead:

  • 0 to 9 years -> band 0
  • from 9 to 15 years -> band 9
  • from 15 to 21 years -> band fifteen
  • from 21 to 28 years -> band twenty-one
  • from 28 to 35 years -> band 28
  • from 35 years to end of service -> support 35

To get an idea, below are the tables with the salaries of the school teachers updated to 2019

For the career reconstruction application to be successful …

The property school must issue the reconstruction decree and transmit it to the territorial office of the General Accounting Office. Regarding the opportunity in this sense, Law 107/2015 dictates the procedures:

“[…] Until the following February 28, for the purposes of correct planning of spending, the Ministry of Education, University and Research communicates to the Ministry of Economy and Finance – Department of General State Accounting the results of the data relating to requests for recognition of services for the purposes of the school staff career“.

Therefore, theoretically, a teacher submits the application for career reconstruction before December 31, the data related to his application is communicated within the following two months, so the salary range is updated as of the following September.

But not even for an idea! School secretariats often justify themselves by blaming the delays on the territorial offices of the general accounting office, or by stressing that ready-to-be-sent career reconstruction decrees cannot be passed on due to school transfers often involving a large group of teachers. The usual rhyme: “We don’t take care, you have to talk to the previous school“Just to be told the exact opposite / vice versa from the other school.

Career rebuilding for many teachers is an important procedure as it represents the possibility of increasing their salary. It is also true that the Ministry of Economy and Finance over the years makes the necessary adjustments with everything that belongs to the workers. but the latter have the sacrosanct right to have their salary status updated in a timely manner. Not out of common sense, but because the law expressly provides for it.

Answer to the question: the year 2013 does not have economic purposes for career reconstruction

Our dear reader entered the position on 09-01-2012 and from 09-01-2020 began the ninth year of service. Why the ninth year? Although 2013 is not evaluated for the purposes of economic progression, on the other hand, he was awarded the year of military service. So, in short, performed in service:

  • the year “zero”: 2012/2013
  • first year: 2013/2014
  • second: 2014/15
  • third: 2015/16
  • quarter: 2016/17
  • fifth: 2017/18
  • sixth: 2018/19
  • seventh: 2019/2020
  • Year 8: 2020 – Ongoing

In total, therefore, it is at the beginning of the ninth year. The law establishes that the first step of seniority occurs at the end, therefore the end of the ninth that corresponds to the eighth if we consider the year “zero”. It may seem complicated; in essence, after nine years of service, you move to the next salary category.

So ultimately, you will be able to get your seniority opportunity and consequent salary increase on 06-30-2021.–

New hires 2020/21: first salary increase in 2030, unless career rebuilding shortens time

Career Rebuilding for Teachers and ATA Salary Raises – Online Applications Through December 31, 2020


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