Female entrepreneurship, GDP per capita trend, average living space, European funds 2014-2020 for the environment and risk prevention, European funds 2014-2020 for the digital agenda, active POS, homicides due to traffic accidents, business termination , broadband, presence of pediatricians, general practitioners and nurses, cinemas, libraries, sporting events, European funds 2014-2020 for cultural, natural and tourist attractions are the sectors in which Treviso is positioned in the lower part of the quality of life ranking prepared and published by Il Sole 24 Ore.
A portrait that returns our province to 21 positions in two years and drops it to 29th overall. “Going into details, as previously reported – says PD secretary Giovanni Tonella – The indices in which our city and province occupy a lower place are those that should, in reality, drive towards the future: the environment, digital infrastructures, services, culture, tourism and work must return to occupy a central place in the administrative, economic and social agenda. What we have been defending for a long time as the Democratic Party. These assets are essential for the post-Covid recovery and for the future of our province. The data is not gratifying and therefore, from now on, it is necessary to work with focused strategies so that these sectors are strengthened, thus creating new job opportunities, greater attractiveness for investors, better environmental quality and services more receptive to the needs of the citizenship “.
«The PD Unione Comunale di Treviso – Tonella concludes – is already speaking and actively working to translate needs and ideas into concrete proposals for the city, also through a firm opposition to the decisions and nebulous positions of the municipal administration. The negative results of this survey push us to give an advantage to our work, because the well-being of the people who live in our city and province is the cornerstone on which any election must turn between now and the next few years ”.
“I often talk about it in the City Hall – then declares the parent company of the PD in Treviso, Stefano Pelloni – I believe that the Covid-19 pandemic should impose important reflections for administrators. We need to change the paradigm. Treviso has a growth opportunity in the face of this crisis: smart work and greater attention to quality of life could penalize the metropolis and benefit smaller cities, where it is possible to live better. You have to know how to work as a team, network with local institutions, all work in the same direction. Saying it is Stefano Pelloni, leader of the group of municipal councilors of Treviso PD.
“Unfortunately, the ranking on the quality of life of Il Sole24Ore this year sees our province sink in 21 positions and this can only make us reflect, because maybe we are doing something wrong. Compared to two years ago (we were in ninth position) the city gains practically nothing in safety, beyond the many shots of the mayor, and we fall to the top of culture and demographics. We have to change course. We need more investments in supporting young families and couples, less controversial politics about culture and tourism, higher quality in social services – concludes the group leader – Let’s not look for justifications regarding these data, let’s analyze them and look for answers. To date this ranking is a failure ”.
So instead, former city councilor Alessandra Gazzola: «It has been a difficult year for everyone, but especially difficult for our city, given the 21 positions lost compared to last year in the Italian ranking prepared by Il Sole 24 ore based on quality of life. Starting well requires first of all understanding what happened.
“The annual ranking prepared by the Sun on the quality of life in Italian provinces gives the Brand a 21-position hit compared to 2019: we went from eighth to 29th place finally declares Gigi Calesso of the Civic Coalition for Treviso – The reasons can be found, in part, in the effects of the Covid pandemic (recorded in the survey) that had effects on demographics and society (with the number of patients in relation to the population), in the business environment and labor (increase in layoffs) and also on Culture and leisure (reduction of sports practice). What the research confirms with respect to both the general perception and similar results of the rankings of previous years is the weakness of public services and investments to contribute to the quality of life of the inhabitants of Treviso.
“Regarding investments. just think that the brand ranks 94th in European funds for the environment and risk prevention, in position 64 for European funds allocated to the digital agenda, in position 90 for the use of European funds for cultural, natural and tourist attraction. Regarding services, however, our Province ranks 77 in social spending by communities and registers very heavy data due to the presence, in relation to the number of inhabitants, of general practitioners (position 99), pediatricians (98th) and nurses (82º). Broadband diffusion was also negative (84th place) – continues Calesso – Then there is the whole field of culture, school and new technologies in which we are very behind, with certainly not marginal responsibilities of public institutions.: we are in the 90th place for libraries in relation to the population, 99 for cinemas, 105 for bookstores, 64 for purchases at the box office, 68 for cultural offerings, 48 for the percentage of people with at least a diploma, 44th for participation in continuing education , 69th for internet subscriptions in relation to the number of residents and 33rd for the digital transformation index ”.
“The delay with which public institutions provide our territory with adequate services to the technological challenges of the future as well as to the training and cultural education needs is evident and is also motivated by the lack of capacity to use the European funds they have. between environmental sustainability and digital innovation. The novelty, on the other hand, consists of a certain fatigue in the economic sphere that has always been one of the strong points of the social panorama of our province.: The indices relating to business vitality register well. Company layoffs (rank 82), new business registrations (rank 69), youth entrepreneurship (rank 101), and women’s businesses (rank 99) have a particular impact. the labor gap between men and women is not positive (38 °). A figure of weakness in the business fabric that is reflected (together with the effects of the pandemic) in the variation in GDP per capita between 2019 and 2020: the Brand is ranked 82nd ”concludes Calesso.
“It seems clear to me that, given the notorious weakness of public services and an emerging difficulty in the economic fabric, public policies (socio-welfare, school, economic, ecological reconversion) that can directly guarantee a better quality of life or to sustain that income capacity that “supplied” the shortcomings of citizenship but is now being questioned. The Covid pandemic confronts us with the need to change policies, to strengthen the network of public services, to provide very small, small and medium-sized companies with a sustainable alternative. both from an environmental and social point of view. This is not an easy task. First of all, we need an idea of the brand of the future and a strategy to achieve the objectives that we set ourselves: it is not enough to govern “up to date” perhaps pursuing immediate consensus, it is necessary to work hard to build and implement projects whose realization and whose effects they go beyond the completion of administrative mandates, “concludes Calesso.