I tell the Corriere – Maradona and Naples: victimization and only claim


Dear aldo,
I believe that the reaction of our country, and of its press, to the death of Maradona and then Rossi has once again demonstrated the xenophilia that often distinguishes Italy. It seemed more relevant to the first than the second. true, Diego was the greatest. Because he was not Italian, on the contrary he eliminated us from a world championship, and especially at home. In two days, the San Paolo received its name. To Rossi, on the other hand, that a world championship, I will not say it alone, made us win, I do not think that anyone has thought to dedicate anything. I think the Center of Coverciano, home of the Azzurri, is a worthy recipient of the name of a blue that cared a lot about the shirt, and to which it gave a lot.
Enrico Sartor, Zoppola (Pn)

Dear Enrico,
The space that was rightly given to Maradona’s disappearance has nothing to do with xenophilia. Maradona was a planetary figure, with strong Argentine roots, who became the center of Italian public life. There was more talk about him than Paolo Rossi because Rossi made everyone agree, while Maradona pitted each other. Beyond the undoubted caliber of the character – who combined extraordinary soccer talent, a strong personality and an equally undeniable dark side – Maradona’s story brought out the unresolved relationship between Italy and the city that best connotes his identity. : Naples. It was seen when, on the eve of the world semifinal, Diego – heard by many – invited the Neapolitans to cheer him on against Italy. And this was also seen in the reactions to his death. Whoever criticized Maradona was identified as an enemy of Naples and the Neapolitans. A feeling returns to each occasion, a mixture of victimhood and just claim. In 1861, Naples was by far the largest Italian city; with the unification it has lost us, in terms of political centrality; but in the long run the Naples that has conquered Italy, not the other way around. Abroad they think of Italy as an immense Naples: the sun, the sea, the pizza; Pulcinella and precisely Maradona. I like to remember Tot’s cinema, Eduardo’s theater, Pino Daniele’s music. In the big cities of the North, half of the inhabitants have southern blood in their veins. Naples has in itself all the vices and all the national virtues, elevated to the square. She feels despised and abused by the rest of the nation, but perhaps she is not fully aware of the sympathy she awakens at the same time and of her own mythopoetic, myth-making capacity, from literature to fiction.


The injustice

Stay at home? There are those who complain, but what I would like

Until a few days ago many people complained and complained about the days spent at home without being able to go out, sometimes breaking the rules and not giving a damn about common sense. If you knew what it means to spend 30 days in a clean room for a hematopoietic stem cell transplant, you would understand what it means to want to get out of that room where time and days never pass and the only way to keep track of the booklet where you mark them. daily. rinse with mouthwash. Where family visits are prohibited at the time of aplasia and you are alone. Where did you get a book, but you can’t read it because after 2 lines you forgot the thread of the discussion? Where is the TV, but after 5 minutes you forgot what the show was about? Where you have a laptop to escape the routine of hospitalization, but you no longer know what to do with it. Where you have the pump with hydration and for medicines 24 hours a day, but not easy because if by chance you have the braided hose while you sleep, the alarm sounds, because if while you wash the batteries of the pump they discharge, the alarm sounds; And every time you have to call a nurse to reset it, you feel bad that maybe the nurse was doing something more important. Where do you feel bad when the bone marrow has been destroyed and all the complications that they told you about 15 days before begin to appear? Where your bones ache when the marrow starts to pump again, but that’s a good pain because you know you’ve gotten over the precipice. Every day you would like to escape, you would like to return home and you cannot, while today everyone wants to escape from home. The world upside down.


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