
The Technical Scientific Committee calls for the closure of the holidays Christmas, a national red zone. The following are the regulations promulgated with the Dpcm of December 3 (in force until January 15) related to restaurants, trips, bars, shops, second homes and schools.
They will also stop during the day.
The rules promulgated with the Dpcm of December 3 (effective until January 15) are relatively lax. They foresee that no one can leave their municipality on December 25, 26 and January 1, but they leave open the possibility of going to the restaurant at lunchtime even if there are no more than 4 people. However, if the government decides to let all of Italy enter the orange or red band for the next holidays or from December 23 to January 6, the place will have to close. However, it would still be possible to invite friends or family over for lunch at home.
A total block with few exceptions.
The virus runs at an incredible speed: in Veneto, in 10 days, the infected have gone from 73,000 to 92,500. Hence the need to limit travel as much as possible. The Dpcm of December 3 provides for the blocking of travel between municipalities on December 25 and 26 and January 1 and it seems possible that this prohibition would fall, if it were not for small municipalities. In Campania there is already an ordinance that prohibits going to second homes. Small exceptions are possible, such as visiting a close relative who lives alone.
Suspension of activities is now discounted
The fate of the bars also seems to be hanging by a thread. In the orange or red zone, they cannot work except take-out food or home delivery until 10 p.m., so the hours and ways of working in bars during Christmas time will depend on the new regulations on the next squeeze. If Italy takes all the same color (orange or red) on holidays and days before holidays or from December 23 to January 6, we will have to postpone the morning appointment with cappuccino and croissant until after Epiphany.
Only grocery stores can stay open
If the government decides to declare all of Italy a “red zone”, stores will have to close with the exception of grocery stores, pharmacies and perhaps laundries. Obviously, the duration of the closure will depend on the “profile” of the red zone that can be declared only for a few days of the Christmas holidays or for a longer period. Clothing, footwear, perfumery and personal service stores (eg laundries and dry cleaners) may remain open if, on the contrary, Italy enters the “orange zone”.

Second box
Outside the Region unreachable since December 21
To spend the holidays in second homes in another region, you must arrive before December 21. Later, with the rules in force, it will be impossible to move between the Regions even if it is in the yellow band. Some regions, like Campania, have ordered a ban on moving to second homes even in the same region. The aim is to reduce private gatherings and parties, which, as is known, have been banned from mid-October. The Dpcm of December 3, however, allows you to return to your residence any day.
If infections don’t go down, recovery is at risk
According to all the analyzes carried out, the infections developed within the schools were few but the infected students (and in some cases the teachers) caused a cascade of many family outbreaks of difficult extinction. The closure of schools and the drastic reduction in travel and social contacts linked to it has slowed the pandemic. Now, however, the spread of infections has shifted down the shopping streets and onto snack tables and continues to travel mostly on the legs of young people. Which endangers the reopening of schools in January.
Last update: 00:48