“Does the government blame the people? But it is only their fault” – Il Tempo


Once again Lilli Gruber receives a cold shower from Carlo De Benedetti, her guest at Otto e mezzo, determined to desecrate the presenter’s saint, Giuseppe Conte. In front of Gruber and other guests (leading Beppe Severgnini) who were practicing in the national sport of the Italian intelligentsia – putting on the oxen – De Benedetti thundered his peremptory “I’m not there.

He rejected the judgment of the people who packed the shopping streets over the weekend, pointing a finger at the government: “Conte pushed them to do it! For days he had been campaigning on credit card payments by asking people to go to stores to do so to get back 10% of what they spent, which was not worth buying online. And are you surprised that people do something that is not only allowed, but also what you asked them to do? Italians are puzzled by a government that has said everything and the opposite because it has not understood anything about the virus. Think that the premier had explained his yellow, orange and red zones with the regional closings to be able to celebrate Christmas in peace. And now… “
