Alfonso Signorini in the studio immediately launches an anticipation: next Friday four new Vippos will enter. The episode begins with the three vipponi in closed televoting on the super led. That of Dayane, Maria Teresa and Pierpaolo is a challenge between three great pieces of the program.
MEETING WITH ELISABETTA-PIERPAOLO – During the last episode Pretelli and Gregoraci faced each other and tonight they will have a new clarification with a face to face. He really wants to say: “For his part, there has always been little clarity. In the episode he said that we are just friends, but then he said he wanted to kiss me, this confuses me.” The direct confrontation takes place in the crystal room. Elisabetta warns Pierpaolo that it will be the last time she will be in the program to meet him and explains: “I’m here because I didn’t want to ruin that love that was created in 80 days.” Both are convinced that when they separated they did so “in a way that does not suit us.” Pierpaolo apologizes for that moment: “I’m sorry.” Gregoraci clarifies their relationship by explaining that he returned home with his son Nathan: “If you are happy I am happy, but what we shared we did together, nobody pointed a gun at you.” “I confirm my affection for him,” he underlines but makes things clear: “These are moments that concern Big Brother, life is different outside.” The showgirl thus invites Pierpaolo to experience his Big Brother: he must find his own way, wishing him the best.
THE STRUGGLE BETWEEN THOMAS AND SONIA – Sonia’s entry into the house caused some agitation in Tommasso, since the boy did not like to be attacked because of his attitude. Sonia said she was offended from a distance on some of the influencer’s Instagram stories, only to be blatantly rejected live on the occasion of a meeting prior to the GFVIP experience. Tommasso is sure that the girl came up with a script, as he found it ridiculous that he took her for the ironic stories against her. Sonia admits: “We ignored each other in the house, I realized that he had entered in an impetuous way” and adds: “I hope from an intelligent and sensitive person who can identify with others.” Tommasso holds out his hand and then confesses to having his nerves on the edge of his skin: “I want to apologize to Sonia if I have offended her in any way. If you accept my apologies, I will make pancakes.” Peace made. For the moment.
A GIFT FOR PIERPAOLO – Pierpaolo meets his ex, Ariadna Romero, mother of his son, on the catwalk. “You are his superhero. Remember that he does exactly what you do,” he says. When the VIP sees the video of his son making the Christmas tree, he gets excited.
THE TELEVOTE VERDICT – Of the triad that ended in nomination, the VIP least voted is María Teresa. But the VIP is not eliminated and is the first to be nominated for the next televote.
IMMUNITY’ – Tonight the new entrants must choose which of the old VIPs is immune. Through a chain Giulia, Giacomo, Cristiano, Samantha, Filippo and Sonia have to choose between the six veterans, she does not deserve to be immune to the votes; the competitor who will remain in the SuperLed will automatically be the VIP except. Giulia chooses Dayane, Giacomo appoints Andrea. Cristiano then chooses Pierpaolo while in turn Samantha makes the name of Stefania. Then it is the turn of Felipe and Sonia who, finally, are invited to the SuperLEd by Alfonso where they choose Tommaso and thus give Rosalinda immunity.
GIULIA SALEMI’S PAST – These days Giulia has had an emotional breakdown. Called to the orchard of the cucurio, she relives her life as the daughter of separated parents and the complicated relationship with her father, with whom she feels guilty. The girl freezes when she meets the man who comforts her: “You are not to blame, much less are you wrong. All responsibilities are up to the parents, stupid, who got you involved. I first. And I’m here in front of everyone to apologize. “
NOMINATION – After the obvious votes and not all the housemates of the House, Cristiano, Giacomo, Tommaso, María Teresa end up in nomination.