“If we don’t satisfy Iv …” Fear 5S: There is an air of shakeup


“Rearrange yes or remodeling No? This is the problem, in fact, the arcane mystery to be solved ”. It is the slogan that resounds on the Liner. Everybody wants it, but nobody has the courage to ask for it.

“They are afraid of being lazy, but people under a pandemic wouldn’t even notice it anyway,” he says. ilGiornale.it a majority authoritative source who closely follows the record. “The issue is only one: the prime minister is conducting these consultations, no one will ask for the reorganization clearly and then he will continue without changing anything,” explains a member of the M5S government. Officially the regent Vito Crimi, at the end of the meeting held at Palazzo Chigi with the premier Giuseppe Conte, denies: “Obviously we also address the issue that we consider surreal that has been sweeping weeks, which is the issue of reorganization, reiterating that from our point of view there is no will to reorganize and it seems surreal that in this pandemic and second wave reduce neither deaths nor infections, we discuss reorganization“But, beyond the usual denials, the die is now cast.” If we do not comply Matteo renzi And Pd, here we all end up going home ”, adds our source. “Conte risks starting a war of attrition that in February-March could lead to his downfall” perhaps to give birth to an institutional government and at that point when will we have concluded? Let’s lose Conte and how 5 star movement we will certainly cut the number of our ministries in half ”, is the reflection of a senator from Grillino in his second term.

An important source of the majority of Giallorossi has clear ideas about the boxes that will be moved: “Italia Viva takes the Viminale and Relations with Parliament with Ettore Rosato and Maria Elena Boschi, the Democratic Party takes school and justice with Anna Ascani and Andrea Orlando, while the movement sends Stefano Patuanelli to MIT and Giancarlo Cancelleri instead of Giuseppe Provenzano ”. But the game is long and, despite Conte trying not to give anything up, the pressure seems very high. The grillini in Parliament, in fact, kicking: “Carla Ruocco, Giuseppe Brescia and Luigi Gallo would like a ministry”, confirms a penstastellato deputy.

According to rumors, the first would like to take the place of Nunzia Catalfo, the second that of Federico D’Incà and the third of Lucia Azzolina. In short, the internal pentastellato chaos. And in the ranks of the P.S things are not much better either “because Roberto Gualtieri is not well regarded by a part of the Democrats who are increasingly intolerant of his now too ‘continuous’ line, and then Graziano Delrio would like to take the place of Paola De Micheli Conte)” , confirms a majority parliamentarian The presidency of the Minister of Health also wavers, Roberto Speranza, subjected to strong criticism from all the majority forces. In the coming days we will know if the consultations of Conte, who in fact replaced Mattarella, will take off, or if they will start a war of attrition. Meanwhile Mario Draghi warms up….
