Giuseppe Conte verification of the majority has begun. After the blackmail in the Senate of Matteo renzi because in the Recovery Fund Again and especially after days of tensions with the allies, the prime minister has called on the parties to understand what are “the basis of their criticism.” A few days have passed since the not-too-veiled threats from Alive italy to blow up the bank and open the government crisis, but the beginning of the talks has allowed (at least for the moment) to lower the tone. So much so that now the main objective, the most repeated version, seems to be to renew the project to reach the end of the term. However, the atmosphere at Palazzo Chigi is suspended. And the Count himself, by those who know him, is described as “Aware” of the crucial nature of this verification.
The ones that started today at Palazzo Chigi are real “inquiries“, Starting from the groups with the highest number of parliamentarians and then M5s e Pd. The crisis to avoid for Conte 2 is that of the government, but also the reorganization hypothesis which in recent days has become increasingly insistent in the newspapers. Today at two delegations have ruled out that this is the way forward: review the team in full Covid emergency and while debating the merits of the Recovery plan the solution to exclude appears. The first to say was the M5 that in almost three hours of meeting He reiterated mainly two concepts: thinking of a reorganization is “surreal” and they are not available. Regarding the management of the funds that will arrive from Europe, they ask for “the involvement of all the ministries.” Then it was the turn of the PD Delegation. The leader dem also participated in the face-to-face, which lasted approximately two hours Nicola Zingaretti who, in the end, joined the chorus of those who exclude the reorganization: “Government action must continue”he said. However, the most anticipated appointment is still the meeting with italy alive which is scheduled for Tuesday, December 15 at 1 pm: from the summit with the Renzians Conte will truly understand the prospects for government action.
The encounter with the M5 – The face-to-face between the premier and the 5 stars, which lasted almost three hours, was presented: the political leader Vito Crimi, the two group leaders of the House and Senate Davide crippa me Ettore Licheri, the head of delegation Alfonso Bonafede and ministers, Luigi di maio me Stefano patuanelli. The latter participated to strengthen the leadership of a movement that still hopes to renew the political leader. “We address the issue that we consider surreal of the reorganization by reiterating that there is no availability on our part,” said Crimi at the end of the meeting, reiterating the M5s line. “This is not about rearranging.” About him Recovery Fund “We try to make it clear that all ministries must participate,” he added. “We have relaunched on the topics and issues that are most important to us from superbonus extension until 2023 because I believe that there are many firm files and today we must relaunch the government’s activity, taking measures to also relaunch the economy of our country. And this is a fundamental measure ”. Even Di Maio, who spoke shortly after on Facebook, wanted to relaunch the discussion on the issues: “We ask for respect for very important measures such as the renewal of the eco-bond, the conflict of interest, the cessation of drilling and the reduction of taxes.”
The meeting with the Pd – Around 7:30 p.m. it was the turn of the Democratic Party delegation, composed, in addition to Dario Franceschini and the group leaders in the Chambers Graziano Delrio me Andrea Marcucci, also by the secretary Nicola Zingaretti, vice Andrea Orlando and the spokesperson for democratic women Cecilia D’Elia. At the end of the meeting, the leader of the dem Zingaretti spoke, trying as much as possible to convey the message that the dem do not intend to detract from the executive’s support: “I think it was a very useful meeting, which has resumed the spirit of ‘ Meeting between the leaders of November 5, “he said,” which is to put on the table the issues and the knots for a relaunch of government action: from the issues of the social agenda, labor, the relaunch of companies, even major health problems “. Then the secretary reiterated the PD’s position against the government reorganization: “We have not talked about it,” he said. And he added: “We believe that the action of this government must continue, very much in tune with Italian problems. “Just before entering the confrontation, the leader of the dem group in the Senate had spoken Andrea Marcucci certifying that for now the government team does not touch: “We are not here to talk about this, we are not. It seems to me an important and useful step, most of them cannot afford to make mistakes, ”he said.
The reasons for the confrontation – The confrontation of the last days was in particular workgroup for the management of EU resources. Conte reiterated in the last hours that the general structure cannot be questioned, although it can obviously undergo changes in Parliament. Then he clarified that the structure “will not overlap to the necessary institutional arrangements. “A message addressed directly to the Renzianos, according to which the government conceived by Palazzo Chigi (composed of 6 managers and the control room to which Conte himself, the Minister of Economy Gualtieri and the colleague of Economic Development Patuanelli, would belong) runs the risk of losing the authority of the ministries and Parliament. The objective of the meetings scheduled between today and tomorrow is to reach an agreement to avoid the crisis. The suspicion, within the majority, is that Renzi has paved the way for the crisis in the hope of snatching another armchair from Palazzo Chigi for himself (or for one of its members). But the former prime minister denies (today he also did Maria Elena Boschi: “Reorganization is not on the agenda for us”), arguing that he never wanted any reorganization and that his sole purpose is to re-discuss the recovery plan (including the distribution of funds on individual projects) and prevent Conte from obtaining “plenary sessions powers “. If not, the ministers Bellanova and Bonetti they would be willing to resign causing the crisis. The most likely outcome of which is go back to the polls, despite the fact that the pandemic is still ongoing and Italy is at risk of missing the train of recovery. Even if of Maria Elena Boschi a Matteo salvini the openings are multiplied by one new government to avoid the end of the legislature (a scenario that many do not like, given that in the next elections 600 parliamentarians will be elected and no longer 945).