Prime Minister’s ‘crucial week’ has begun Giuseppe Conte. Between the government verification, the new tightening in anticipation of Christmas to limit the third wave of coronavirus infections and the maneuver as much as possible. Today begins the government consultation with the majority parties: Conte’s first meeting is with the M5S delegation at 4.30 pm. At 19 it will be the turn of the Democratic Party. And tomorrow, at 1 in the afternoon, it will be Italia Viva’s turn: after having fueled the suspense for their participation, it seems that Matteo renzi will be there in person. The Leu delegation will close the meetings at Palazzo Chigi tomorrow at 7pm.
Another meeting today, however, keeps the prime minister busy: the new summit with the heads of delegation of the majority forces, some members of the CTS and the interior minister. Luciana Lamorgese. On the table, the possible new grip for the Christmas holidays but also solutions to avoid the gatherings in the commercial streets that took place last weekend.
Giuseppe Conte: “ Ranks are needed against the enemy Covid, unity and loyal collaboration ”
Meanwhile, in the morning Conte spoke again about Recovery: “This is a very ambitious and articulated plan, which in addition to careful planning also requires the most effective implementation possible. You know, the Government is working to fully define the structure that It will be in charge of the implementation and monitoring of the Plan and that it will also be able to make use of an ad hoc regulatory framework to ensure the full absorption of the assigned resources, and the grounding of all projects, in the shortest time. The role of the governance of the Recovery Fund, highly criticized and which has created discontent in the majority, will be super-ordered or superimposed on the necessary institutional steps, ”he specifies, speaking at the Rome Investment Forum.
Government in the balance, verification at first, but Renzi is ready to disconnect on December 28
by Tommaso Ciriaco, Giovanna Vitale
The prime minister explains: “The Italian government was one of the most convinced promoters of the EU’s turning point in 2020, the launch of the next generation of the EU. Our country must be prepared and make the most of this unprecedented opportunity. To do this, the government strategy will focus on three fundamental axes: trust, reforms and investments. To generate trust it is essential to mitigate the effects of uncertainty, which will persist even after the end of the pandemic emergency. For this reason, preserving sustainability of debt, the budgetary orientation outlined by the economic maneuver for 2021 will continue to be highly expansionary, as also advised by the main international institutions, including the OECD and the International Monetary Fund. A more rapid reduction of the budget deficit, in this phase would run the risk to jeopardize the recovery – observed during the Rome Investment Forum – Furthermore, it is essential to re-ensure that there is no true social mobility, to prevent the appearance of new and deeper inequalities, and to reestablish the relationship between citizens and institutions on new bases, with special reference to the Tax Administration and Public Administration ” .
Verification, closure, maneuver: Conte’s “crucial week”
by Emanuele Lauria
On the battle against the coronavirus, Conte adds: “After the two waves of the pandemic, the challenge we face is not only to unleash the untapped potential of Italy. First of all, in the present we must close ranks to defeat the enemy. strong international cooperation The virus knows no borders but crosses barriers. It is a battle that requires a strong spirit of unity in our communities, a loyal collaboration between all institutional levels, and strong international cooperation to help each other kill the virus and organize the vaccination plan. “