The story of a 25-year-old Roman girl recovered from Covid is now positive again. The case
The case of this 25 year old roman girl it’s causing a sensation. According to Ansa, the young woman is Covid-19 patient with severe symptoms, then healed. One month after remission, the molecular smear is positive again, with pain and high fever.
The girl was treated at home by the family doctor without further investigation to understand if it is a new positivization from a relapse of the first disease or an actual reinfection.
here the witness reported by Ansa. “I started to feel bad in mid-October, but the first quick swab on October 13 was negative. As I continued to feel bad, I did a second molecular smear at the Fiumicino drive-in on October 20 and it was positive. “
The first time symptoms ranged from severe muscle pain, with a low-grade fever, to quite heavy breathing difficulties, although the patient was always followed at home by her Asl Roma 1 GP, who has it clean with antibiotics, cortisone, anti-inflammatories, lactoferrin and other supplements.
On October 30, he underwent a new negative molecular smear at Sant’Andrea hospital. The second negative shock absorber arrived on November 13, at the drive-in theater in Santa Maria della Pietà.
“Since November 13 – he says – I was fine, I was just tired, out of breath, the doctor told me it was normal. A few days later I went back to the school where I work ”. The girl’s father A few days ago he himself fell ill with Covid-19, apparently due to an outbreak in the workplace. “As a precaution – says the girl, who explains that she is not immunosuppressed – in the family we all rub: I tested positivemolecularly, I had a fever of 38.5 and now my muscles hurt again ”.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 12-14-2020 15:24