Bologna, December 14, 2020 – Mortality linked to Coronavirus in Emilia romagna: the today’s newsletter registers 73 victimsyesterday there were 43 dead). On the other hand, the positivity rate improves: the ratio between new cases and tampons drops from 17.4% from yesterday to fifteen% from today. Of 10,517 swabs (1,139 serological tests and 369 rapid swabs were also performed), 1,574 new positives, of which 862 asymptomatic. The mean age of the new positives is 45.4 years.
Patients admitted to intensive care there are 222 (+2 compared to yesterday), 2,831 those of other Covid departments (+12)
The provinces with the most infections are Modena with 330 new cases, Bologna with 300, Ravenna (195), Reggio emilia (167), Ferrara (120), Parma (119), Rimini (114).
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Italian data and table with regional numbers
me new infections gives Coronavirus check in today in italy They are more than 4,000 less than yesterday: 12,030 against 17,938. THE tampons made are 103,548 (50 thousand less), with a 11.6% positivity rate, stable compared to 11.7% the day before.
Stable deaths: 491 (484 yesterday), the threshold of 65,000 deaths from Covid in Italy has been exceeded: now there are 65,011.
I go up healed: 22,456, compared to 13,270 yesterday.
Patients in intensive care for Covid-19 in Italy there are 3,095, with a balance of -63 units in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health. Daily admissions to resuscitation were 138. Those hospitalized with mole symptoms ordinary departments there are 27,765, an increase of 30 units compared to yesterday.
The regions that have registered the most infections are: Veneto (2,829), Emilia romagna (1,574), Lazio (1,315), Campania (1,088). They follow Lombardy (945), Sicily (914), Puglia (656), Piedmont (528), Friuli Venezia Giulia (402).
Coronavirus in Emilia Romagna, the numbers updated to December 14
From the beginning of‘epidemic, in the region they registered 146,325 cases of positivity between the Emilia-Romagna, 1,574 more compared to yesterday, out of a total of 10,517 swabs done in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives over the number of swabs made since yesterday is 15%.
Of the newly infected 862 are asymptomatic identified as part of the contact tracing and regional screening activities: 477 were identified through contact tracing, 71 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 20 with serological screening, 7 through pre-recovery . An epidemiological investigation of 287 cases is still underway.
Overall, among the new positives 280 were already in solitary confinement at the time of the swab, 454 were identified within known foci.
These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 13,803 a Piacenza (+30 compared to yesterday, of which 18 symptomatic), 11,777 to Parma (+119, of which 71 symptomatic), 20,495 to Reggio emilia (+167, of which 64 symptomatic), 26,899 Modena (+330, of which 188 symptomatic), 28,755 to Bologna (+300, of which 118 symptomatic), 4,552 cases a Imola (+86, of which 22 symptomatic), 7,447 to Ferrara (+120, of which 28 symptomatic), 10,360 to Ravenna (+195, of which 40 symptomatic), 5,124 to Forlì (+41, of which 35 symptomatic), 4,774 to Cesena (+72, of which 57 symptomatic) and 12,339 to Rimii (+114, of which 71 symptomatic).
After verifying the data communicated in recent days, 4 cases (2 from Bologna, 2 from Ravenna) were eliminated because they were not considered Covid-19, the Region said.
Emiliano-Romagnoli died of the virus
In today’s Emilia Romagna newsletter they are registered 73 new deaths: one in the province of Piacenza (a 79-year-old man); 7 in the of Parma (4 women of 71, 81, 92 and 99 years old and 3 men of 59, 81 and 89 years old); 8 in the of Modena (3 women, 61, 89 and 93 years old, and 5 men, respectively, 65, 72, 80, 81 and 89). 41 in that of Bologna: they are 22 women, 52, 59, 61, 62, 71, 74, 77 years old; 2, 80 years old, one of whom is from Imola; the other, from Bologna, who died in Ferrara -; the other 84, 85 years; 2 of 86 years; one of 87, one of 88, 2 of 89; the others 92, 94 years old, 2 95 years old, one, finally, 98 years old. Nineteen men died in the Bologna area, respectively: 2 aged 50 years, the other 60, 61, 67, 68 years; 2 of 80, then of 82, 84, 83, 87, 88 years; 2 of 89 years; the others of 91, 92 and 93 (both from Imola) and, finally, one of 99 years. In Ferrara there were 3 deaths (2 women between 80 and 81 years old and one man, 89 years old); 7 in the province of Ravenna (2 women, 75 and 83 years old, and 5 men, respectively 80, 81 and 3, 88) and 6 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (4 women of 62, 76, 81, 88 and 2 men of 63 and 77 years).
There were no deaths in Reggio and Rimini.
In all, there have been deaths in the region since the start of the epidemic. 6,645.
Where are the most serious patients hospitalized and how many are there?
Patients admitted to intensive care I have 222 (+2 compared to yesterday), 2,831 in other Covid departments (+12).
In the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 13 to Piacenza (number unchanged since yesterday), 18 a Parma (+3), 30 to Reggio emilia (no change), 39 a Modena (-3), 57 to Bologna (no change), 6th Imola (no change), 18 a Ferrara (+1 compared to yesterday), 13 years old Ravenna (no change), 5th Forlì (no change), 1 year Cesena (-1) and 22 a Rimini (+2).
Active and cured cases in Emilia Romagna
The number of active cases, that is, actual patients, is 64.986 (+228 compared to yesterday). Of these, people in isolation at home, or those with mild symptoms -which do not require hospital treatment- or without symptoms, are 61,933 (+214), 95.3% of all active cases.
Refering to people healed, there are 1,273 more than yesterday and reach 74,694.
Tracking Covid, the Ministry’s report on Emilia Romagna
The latest report from the Ministry of Health, on i data on infections in the week from November 30 to December 6, keep watching the release Gods Covid values in Emilia Romagna. However, this is not a drastic decrease, but a slight decrease, leaving the region in ahigh risk classification. me weekly cases of positivity in Covid, in fact, they went from 11,887 a 11,425 andRt index He fell from 0.99 a 0.81. Both RT values remain within “scenario 1”. This means that the transmission of the virus is localized in the region and is therefore easier to control.
Facts aboutweekly incidence, that is, the number of positive people per 100,000 inhabitants is 225. Instead, the previous week’s report reported a value of 266.
The indicator that attracts the most attention in this monitoring is that of health resilience, of which there have been multiple warnings in the region. This means that: “Although it is improving, there is still a general difficulty in maintaining high quality of reported data to the integrated surveillance system for both opportunity, both for I complete it“, informs the ministry. The consequence of this lack of completeness of the data and the fact that they are not communicated with the appropriate speed, refers to a possible underestimation of the transmission speed and the incidence.
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