Christmas transfers between municipalities, when there is an exception



Christmas transfers between municipalities, when there is an exception

Movements between municipalities at Christmas, this is what could change. During the summit of the heads of delegation with Prime Minister Conte, a possible limit emerged, that of municipalities with 5,000 inhabitants within a 30 km radius. This would be the point that is being evaluated for a hypothesis of repeal of the Christmas trips. Among other things, the issue will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow morning with the CTS and then at the new Conte-head of delegation summit.

“For small municipalities we are trying to revise ‘the travel rules’, we have to put them in place, but it is not a free all,” Luigi Di Maio told ‘Non è la D’Urso’. “I will not go with my parents for Christmas. I will stay here with my partner. It is not possible, period, and we will close it here.” “I understand that we want to be together but at Christmas 15 million Italians move, if we allow travel we bring the virus home to grandparents and parents, we must necessarily be careful,” said the chancellor.

According to the decree and the new Dpcm with the measures for the Christmas holidays from December 21, 2020 to January 6, 2021, travel between different Regions (including those to or from the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano) will be prohibited, except for travel. motivated by proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons. As of December 25 and 26, 2020, unless the measures are relaxed – the hypothesis of a derogation for Municipalities with 5 thousand inhabitants under 30 km is discussed – movement between different Municipalities will also be prohibited, with the same exceptions (verified work needs, situations of need or health) ”. Same measure also for January 1, 2021. Movements between regions of the yellow zone are also prohibited.

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