They are somewhat surprising, in a way, the electoral political polls by Nando Pagnoncelli, president of the institute Ipsos. Although we are talking about a government crisis, satisfaction with the work of the executive and Premier Conte is growing at a dizzying rate. The PD is very close to the League, while the M5S is still the third with difficulty.
PD much closer to the League
Ipsos voting intentions of near mid-December indicate a League in sharp decline, which lost one percentage point compared to the last survey and fell to 23.5%. the Democratic party It gains six tenths and rises to 20.7%, reducing the Carroccio gap to 2.8%.
Reduction Brothers from Italy, with an increase of 0.3% that raises the political strength of Giorgia Meloni to 15.6%. the 5 star movement it loses 0.2% but is still ahead of FdI. Jump ahead of Go Italy ranging from 8.6% to 9.2%.
Among the minor parties, Carlo Calenda can smile with Action, which reaches the 3.0% threshold, two more decimal places. Take a step back to Italian Left-Art.1 ranging from 2.8% to 2.6%. Also backs up Italy Long Live 0.2% to 2.4%, another disappointment for Matteo Renzi.
Conte and government rise sharply, Meloni stops
Ipsos political polls show us data on job satisfaction of political leaders and government. At the top of the table is the prime minister. Giuseppe Conte with 59%, three points more. Behind your back Roberto Speranza with 37%, two points more. Stable Giorgia Meloni 34%, which is close Matteo salvini with 31% gaining 2%.
Following, Dario Franceschini at 28% that grows by two points and cancels Nicola Zingaretti it stopped at 27%. Luigi di maio goes from 24% to 26%, breaking Silvio Berlusconi stable at 24%. Go up one point Teresa Bellanova at 22%, same growth for Alfonso Bonafede which amounts to 21%. Vito Crimi it rises two points, reaching 19%, it also grows Matteo renzi from 2% to 12%. Satisfaction with the work of the government, which ranges from 53% to 55%.
The satisfaction of the parties
Interesting facts about the approval of the party. Brothers of Italy leads with 36%, two points more. 33% union that keeps pace with allies. 32% PD, also 2% more. With the M5S still at 28%, Forza Italia grows one point to 27%. Italia Viva at 13%, two points more.