Measures to consolidate and eventually expand and reinforce with a kind of confinement throughout the Christmas period. As learned, this is what the CTS experts would have said in the meeting with Prime Minister Conte and with the heads of delegation. The need for a new hardening, explained the technicians, is linked to the impossibility on the one hand of a capillary control of the territory and on the other hand to data that continue to be “worrying”, with an incidence of new cases still too high (in the last follow-up was 193 per 100,000 inhabitants, when it should be 50 per 100,000 to guarantee follow-up).
Italy, the experts of the Scientific Technical Committee point out, also has a daily death toll that exceeds that of Germany – which nevertheless has 20 million more inhabitants – and more than half of the country with sanitary facilities still under stress. So the conclusion is, “we have to extend the measures, otherwise we will be in trouble in January.”
The decline in mortality slows down in the last week of November – After the decrease in the previous weeks, from November 25 to December 1, mortality from Covid in Italy remains stable or increases slightly in northern cities (Venice, Verona, Padua) and slightly decreases in the center-south . Compared to the previous week, there was a drop in excess mortality in Rome (+ 47% vs. 60% from November 18-24) and Palermo (48% vs. 59% from November 18-24). In Genoa (+ 76%), Turin (+ 112%) and Milan (+ 45%), the excess mortality from November 25 to December 1 is in line with the values of the previous week. This is indicated by the monitoring ‘Trend of daily mortality in Italian cities in relation to the Covid-19 epidemic from September 1 to December 1, 2020’ published by the Ministry of Health.