the starting point is the prohibitions on holidays and days before holidays


Luca zaia Live the present, Monday, December 14, 2020, from the headquarters of the Civil Protection of Marghera to take stock of the Coronavirus pandemic in Veneto. The eyes of all of Italy are focused on our region, where infections are constantly growing and the death toll from Covid does not stop. Of course, the amount of swabs that are made, between molecular tests and rapid tests, is mammoth, however the virus circulates among the population of the region, which has always been “yellow”, and the scenes that were seen last weekend weekdays, with crowded centers of people and the extremely high danger of meetings, do not bode well, so much so that the governor has summoned mayors to take stock, and the hypothesis of a series of restrictions on arrival she doesn’t seem to be very strange.

Zaia lives today


More than three million molecular swabs performed, more than one million and 300,000 rapid tests performed, positive since the start of the pandemic 193,470 (2,829 in the last 24 hours), currently there are 92,528 positive, people who have died since The start of the epidemic is 4,827 (+26), instead 3,267 people hospitalized: 2,894 in non-critical areas (+36) 373 in intensive care (+4).

Hospital pressure

Meeting this morning with the Covid crisis committee and the general directors of the Ulss, as every day. The growth of hospitalizations is slowing down, I would not call it a direction but a timid slowdown. That said, the pressure of health is a significant pressure: 356 peak intensive care on March 31, today there are 373 (+207 non-Covid intensive therapies to add), peak of hospitalized on April 1, 2028 hospitalized and today there are 3267 – we can say that with approximately 500 beds occupied in intensive care in Veneto is more or less like March, but hospitalizations in non-critical areas are a third more than in March.

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Emergency meetings

The situation is that of an encounter that is now continuous, I have said it many times, to the point that regions with areas or bands different from ours have resumed the growth of infections. Confirm that the basin most affected by Covid continues to be ours. The meeting game is the real game, the filthy spectacle of what happened over the weekend despite Covid and the crisis and the danger of contagion is shameful. The cities were literally stormed. When the mayor of Treviso is forced to close the main street of the city, or the Piazza Ferretto in Mestre, Verona, Padua, it is understood that it is difficult to win a battle without the cooperation of the citizens. “The basis is the restrictions on holidays and the days before holidays,” that is, the issue on which the government is working now, said Zaia, so the Veneto region will begin to outline a new strategy to limit the meetings.

The closing of the stores on Sunday must also include a rule to prohibit walking because now we think like this: the spirit has changed, the spirit of March is no longer happening, what I said is happening, that the idea is that Covid is a problem for those in the hospital.

New restrictions

Today at 2.30 p.m. we will meet, I will listen to your ideas, surely something must be done but it is a defeat from the community point of view, common sense cannot be cataloged with a law. It seems to me that a part of the population delegates the collective welfare to the authorities: contagion is spread through social gatherings, in conditions of little distance or lack of devices. Filthy and vomiting that there is a creeping culture for which this is perceived as “the virus of the old.” Today Germany has decided to block from Christmas to January, obviously Germany has responded to the problem of soft drinks. Because in this country, ours, if the certainty of soft drinks existed, dialogue would be possible, even reaching 60%, without making 90% German. Today we will discuss with the mayors and give a solution to understand what to do, understanding that even at the national level something will be done. Yesterday I heard from the Minister of Health Speranza and the situation is that the figures begin to move again everywhere. Veneto had the yellow zone according to the parameters of the national protocol that takes into account many factors. To go to the orange zone we must have Rt greater than 1.25 and we have never had it. Now we will have to see how to limit the crowds, because health comes first, as I have always said. I remember that this Region has always taken the most restrictive and innovative measures.


When we questioned the history of travel on January 25, 26 and 1, it was not by merit, we were not against the restrictions, but was referring to the territorial issue of metropolises and large cities that, by not suffering from borders municipalities, they would not have listened to the norm, vice versa, small municipalities would.


The vaccines, we are ready but I remind you that immunity, for those who do it, will be there in April counting the two doses to be administered, do not think “now the vaccine arrives, we are fine.” And let’s remember to use the mask, understanding that the mask protects from “bullets” and not from “cannon fire.”

Is Veneto still in the yellow zone?

The accusations against Veneto come from many places, “the health situation is under control,” says Zaia. But the president responds: I have always said the pressure situations, it is not a walk with more than 3,000 hospitalized patients. Our operators are doing a great job. As for the definitions of the yellow, orange, red zone, it is becoming a daily controversy, we take note of it, but if so, it would mean that the algorithm of the Istituto Superiore della Sanità is wrong.

Infectious at school

The school must be present, but in a safe epidemiological framework – said Zaia. But how does it work in schools, what are the protocols to follow in case of a positive child? When should all babies be tamponed? When does distance learning start? Doctor Francesca Russo responds: «The protocol has not been changed, if positive, a swab is done on classmates, if there are other positives in the class it means that the infection is spreading, so the children should be sent home . If, on the other hand, there are no other positive aspects, the children stay in the classroom with a mask ”.

Last updated: 13:29

