15 thousand euros for my B side … – Time


The case Alberto Genovese a It’s not the sand in La7. Massimo giletti interviewed Giulia Napolitano, 21-year-old student who as a model has participated in numerous “wild” parties in Milan and Rome, not only Terrace of feeling but in numerous private events organized in the “beautiful world” with sex and drugs galore. “They asked to hang out with me, but I never agreed,” said the girl who started attending these parties at 18. “The highest offer? 15 thousand euros for the face b. They make me sick, I’d rather eat bread and onion than spread my legs and have the bag with the brand on the arm “, said the young woman who related what she saw in many” extreme “events.If I mention names they will kill me“said da Giletti. Down and in this link the video of La7.
