Reggio Calabria, councilor of the Democratic Party arrested. “Among his votes also those of two deceased and elderly who never went to the polls”


A Reggio calabria even the dead voted. It ended in the house arrest the city councilor Antonino Castorina of the Democratic party. This was decided by the investigating judge at the request of the prosecutor. Giovanni bombardieri, of the attached Gerardo Dominijanni and the substitute Paolo Petrolo. The accusation is of having violated the electoral legislation to ensure the election to the City Council. Between 1,510 votes raked by Castorina, who is also a member of the national directive of the Democratic Party, there are many citizens who have never been to the polling station in municipal of the September 20 and 21. Mainly Old people who, according to the voting record, as anticipated in recent weeks, seemed to have expressed their preference. The preventive detention order was notified to Castorina in the early hours of Monday.

The prosecutor’s investigation now runs the risk of causing not only a judicial but also a political earthquake. And it does, in Calabria, near a election campaign for Regional that is announced in flames, with a center left divided, still without the candidate for governor, and a center right at the mercy of infighting between the parties that aspire to lead the coalition after the death of President Jole Santelli. The magistrates will soon illustrate the details of the operation. Their investigations began after police detained a person with three ballots in his pocket during the voting process. News of an investigation had leaked in recent weeks because some posts had appeared on social media. interrogations of many over eighty whom the policeman he had asked if they had gone to vote. Several of them informed researchers not having done it. Investigations found initial suspicions. In just over a month, the I say and the postal police have come full circle by seizing everyone minutes of the sections and documents of the electoral office of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria.

Therefore, the investigation continued. Investigators have no doubt that the fraud was the work of Castorina and people close to him: they discovered it by reviewing requests for copies of ballots formulated in municipal offices. Requests that were seized in municipal offices where some employees they were questioned by the magistrates. Basically, in the weeks before the vote, without any documents or powers of attorney, the double of hundreds of cards would have been given directly to the councilman of the Democratic Party or to people of his confidence. Not all, but many of those duplicates were used in municipal elections to get the elderly to vote and stay home.

Already investigated in the context ofResearch “Helios” by attempted improper induction To give or promise benefits, Castorina was the most voted center-left councilor. Despite his participation in the investigation ofApr, the company that deals with garbage collection in Reggio Calabria, therefore, the politician who ended up under house arrest was re-elected to the municipal authorities. He supported the candidacy for mayor of Giuseppe Falcomatà (Pd) whose victory, however, is not questioned by the investigation in which the investigating judge ordered a precautionary measure for another person who would have helped the young councilor. This is the president seat Carmelo Giustra what would have favored the supposed Electoral “Magheggi” of Castorina. If the elderly who have voted “without their knowledge” are a few hundred, and some of them are residents of nursing homes, at least two are the subjects whose voting results even if they are already passed away on the dates of September 20 and 21.

Castorina is only 35 years old and until Sunday he looked like the promising young man of the Democratic Party that had even called him to the national leadership. Chosen for the second time San Giorgio Palacein addition, in the previous council he also sat between the seats of the metropolitan city where he was delegate of the mayor Falcomatà. The game was simple and the prosecutor’s investigation is likely only at the beginning. Suffice it to say that, according to the findings of the investigation, once the duplicates of the ballots had been acquired illegitimately, the vote of those who actually abstained was possible thanks to the law that allows the identification of the elderly thanks to the certification of one “. of the members ofElectoral office section, who knows the voter personally. “

Next to the name of those who did not vote but would have gone to the voting table, therefore, the writing appears “Personal knowledge”. Hardly said that fact: although they did not move from their homes, in the records of the different sections it appears that hundreds of elderly people appeared at the electoral college whose identity would have been certified without the mandatory identification document. It’s unthinkable that Castorina could have done it all alone. That is why the documents signed by the president of the Central Commission, the judge, also ended up in the investigation file. Giuseppe Campagna, that between the first and second rounds of the municipal elections with a letter denounced to the Court of Appeals “‘serious irregularities’ in the performance of the functions of president of the bank, he charged 25 names ”. In other words, some anomalies were immediately noticed: from the “non-compliance with voting operations” to the “scrutiny of the votes assigned to the lists and the fiscal auditor”, to the minutes of the operations “not completed with the essential elements ”.
