Christmas is scary: it could trigger the third wave of the epidemic. So, in the next few hours, the government will decide to bring the entire country to the red zone on holidays and before holidays. A national closure with shops, restaurants, bars, etc., closed on weekends and holidays. A squeeze that would only have one exception, for being “marginal and irrelevant” and already announced in Parliament: the green light for mobility between “neighboring” municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants and no more than 30 kilometers.
The new repression, which will probably be submitted to a vote by the Chambers, will be decided this morning during a meeting with the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS). Here we will detail the new restrictive measures that could be, in the areas with the lowest contagion rate, of the “orange” type: open shops, closed restaurants, prohibition of crossing the borders of the Municipality itself. The squeeze could be stumbling: it will start next Saturday and Sunday, it will resume from December 24 to 27; start over from December 31 to January 2 and January 5 to 6. As long as, as suggested by the CTS, you do not decide for a longer period: from next Saturday to January 10. Following in the footsteps of what Chancellor Angela Merkel did.
To decide the turn, after the signs of relaxation launched in recent days, it was an emergency summit convened last night by Giuseppe Conte, with the heads of delegation Dario Franceschini, Roberto Speranza, Alfonso Bonafede, Teresa Bellanova and the ministers Francesco Boccia and Federico . D’Incà. A kind of war cabinet opened by alarmed reports from Franceschini (Culture), Speranza (Health) and Boccia (Regions). “What is happening is unacceptable,” it was observed, “in Germany Merkel closes everything and here the shopping streets are crowded in all cities, there are crowds in front of shops and shopping centers. In addition, we have news that in the coming weekend many will flee to second homes or on vacation, that restaurants are already reserved at maximum capacity for Christmas and San Esteban days, that people are renting houses since December 31 to January 2. to circumvent the travel ban in effect on January 1. If we don’t do something, the third wave of the epidemic will not be a hypothesis, but a certainty.
Yes, but what? There are those who have raised the hypothesis of activating the national red zone from next weekend until January 10. Who has proposed closure throughout Italy on holidays and days before holidays. The objective, also shared by Renziana Teresa Bellanova and by 5Stelle Bonafede and D’Incà, is to avoid, in addition to crowds in the streets, shops and nightclubs, those lunches, dinners and those bingo between family groups not living together, which Los Técnicos del CTS were alarmed. “The risk is greater than last summer,” explained Speranza, “on August 15 people would gather outdoors, during the Christmas holidays they will gather indoors. And in the interior the risk of contagion is much higher, so the consequences could be worse than the summer “free for all” ”.
It is no coincidence that Franceschini appeared at the top -after a long meeting with the General Staff of the Democratic Party- asking for the introduction of “new containment measures”: “We must do everything possible not to lose the results achieved and not back down Therefore, given a certain increase in the risk of social gatherings and the recommendations of the CTS, it is necessary to evaluate the adoption of new measures that guarantee the containment of infections.
Surprisingly, the 5Stelle Bonafede and D’Incà also lined up for a tightening of the measures, with Bellanova calling for “measures even more restrictive than current ones, if necessary, but understandable.” At this point Conte took the floor: “Okay, but to understand what to do, we need to listen to the CTS.” Hence the appointment this morning with the experts led by Miozzo. Those who, like Speranza, wanted all of Italy in the red zone immediately. “We will evaluate with them”, Conte explained in the afternoon, “an update of the epidemiological curve and the possible need for some additional intervention to reinforce the measures already adopted to better resist the impact on the spread of the virus of the Christmas holidays depending on of prevention “. of a probable third wave “.
The CTS response is already known: immediately a fierce repression. “Already in the minutes of Friday”, explains Agostino Miozzo, coordinator of the CTS, “we had been very hard in explaining that the situation is still very delicate, that the curve is going down a bit. In the last hours, for example, we have a very slight decrease compared to last Saturday, but with much less tampons ». In short, Italy is in an emergency and a new grip is needed.
Last update: 11:48