the changes brought about by the amendments approved in the Senate


Advertisements For him Refreshments Decree: at night the ahead of the Budget and Finance Committees of the Senate in relation to amendments that should be done to the text that, we remember, also incorporates the bis decrees, sea me quater.

Everything is ready for the vote of confidence, scheduled for Tuesday, December 15; after which the text will be shielded, to avoid new changes in the Chamber, to complete the conversion process of the Refreshments Decree before christmas, between 2. 3 and the Dec. 24.

The approval of new modifications introduces several new functions in support of families and workers sanctioned by the emergency; These are the result of a joint effort between the majority and the opposition that -for some shared changes- obtained about 380 million compared to the 600 available.

In this sense, let’s see What has changed in the evening with the approval of the modifications to the Refreshments Decree, clarifying the news that will arrive once the conversion of the provision into law is completed.

News for first home mortgages

One of the most important novelties is that relating to first home mortgage payment. In detail, access to the so-called Gasparrini Fund, with which the suspension of payment of mortgage payments, is rolled over to December 31, 2021.

We remind you that, due to the Covid emergency, this fund was refinanced with 400 million euros, with the possibility of access for those who have suffered a suspension or reduction of working hours for a minimum period of 30 days, or even for the self-employed who have registered a billing reduction of more than 33% compared to the last quarter of 2019.

Rent Discounts: Landlord Refunds

The Senate has foreseen the constitution of a fund, initially financed with 50 million euros, with which to recognize a contribution to homeowners what have they chosen reduce rent. In detail, a 50% refund applied to tenants, but up to a maximum of 1,200 euros per year.

Tax news

Regarding the payments of the second, or only installment, of the IRPF and the IRAP – which we remember have already been postponed to April 30 in a single solution for companies, professionals and artists with income and fees of up to 50 million euros that recorded a loss of at least 33% – it is established that they can be also paid in four installments.

1,000 euro voucher for kiosks

Recognized a one-time contribution of 1,000 euros for the kiosks that have supported to conduct their business during the Covid emergency Extraordinary expenses. This contribution is due to natural persons who operate in exclusive points of sale for the reselling newspapers and magazines who do not receive earned income. The deadline for submitting the request to the Department of Information and Publications of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers is set at February 2021.

Refreshments Decree, the other news

Here’s a list of the other changes made with the approval of the amendments by the Senate Budget and Finance Committees:

  • new for employers – for companies employing up to nine employees – hire young people with apprenticeship contracts in the period from January 1 to December 31. One will be recognized by these 100% contribution relief;
  • tax reduction contributions and bonuses paid to freelancers and companies exceptionally due to the Covid emergency;
  • regarding me INPS voluntary contributionsEven delayed ones are considered valid, provided they are within two months of the deadline and, in any case, no later than December 31, 2020;
  • extension to June 30, 2021 of the golden power;
  • payment of WHAT P (fee for the occupation of public spaces and areas) e TOSAP (imposed by the occupation of spaces and public areas) blocked during the first three months of 2021. Extension until March 2021 for the exemption from paying the fee and tax for the occupation of public land;
  • will have to be fixed maximum ceilings – nationwide – for me costs be sustained for the execution of seriologici test me tampons TO Private facilities authorized. These will be indicated in the Conference of Regions of the State at the proposal of the Minister of Health;
  • fund of 5.5 million euros for 2021 destined to recovery of formative lagoons for periods of suspension of teaching activities in the presence of schools;
  • bottom of 40 million for the purchase of masks in nursing homes;
  • 110 million euros allocated to the Regions, to restore economic activities that have registered losses in business volume due to Covid;
  • increases to 390 million euros in 2021 the Fund for local public transport;
  • green light forfair compensation for professionals in the context of Ecobonus procedures;
  • cost reduction on the invoice for energy transportation and system charges for all Ateco codes that are governed by the Refreshments Decree;
  • contribution bonus – up to a maximum of 350 euros – for social cooperatives that make new hires with an indefinite contract of women victims of gender violence;
  • military health, 7.8 million for the upgrade.