Rome, December 14, 2020 – Fears of an increase in Covidien contagion they pressure the government to intervene, again. The crowds in the downtown streets for it christmas shopping the weekend is scary. Therefore, the executive evaluates a tightening in view of the holidays, including the displacements: Today new measures will be decided in a meeting between Head of Delegation, Ministers and Scientific Technical Committee (CTS). Among the possibilities, a kind of national red zone on holidays and days before holidays, with the closure of shops (with the exception of those that sell basic necessities), bars and restaurants. The flexibility must remain so that the inhabitants of municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants can move, but not more than 30 kilometers.
Doubts also worry the date of the repression: o December 20, the day on which, according to the latest decree, the blockade of movements between regions is triggered, or closer to Christmas. Anyway until Epiphany.
Among the hypotheses that circulate in the press at this time is also that of a lighter grip with the closing of bars and restaurants and curfew from 6 pm, to stop dinners or gatherings in private homes. Today’s summit will serve precisely to choose the combination of interventions that is considered most appropriate to the current situation.
In general, the intention is to move towards a “hardening” of the provisions based on what has been defined “Merkel Model”.
The fears are linked to an epidemiological picture that could worsen again. The bulletin of December 13 registered almost 18 thousand new cases and 484 victims (down from the previous days). The swabs / positives ratio rose to 11.7% (in recent days it had also fallen below 10%). Then there is the school chapter: The return to classes is scheduled for January 7 and the government wants to avoid further delays.
The objective is clear: avoid the third wave at all costs. “I don’t see why we have to go towards a third wave – said Pierpaolo Sileri, Deputy Minister of Health, in Agorà en Rai 3 -. Because Christmas itself, even in the same Municipality, will unite families and it is inevitable that there will be an increase in infections. But if it is a small increase, it will be manageable, otherwise we will find ourselves again with a new peak. “A new peak, he stressed,” will prevent, as of January, the reopening of schools, restaurants, ski slopes, in short. , to get our lives back. Because, ‘he continued. doing all this concentrated in the Christmas period is a riskDoing so in a diluted way from January 7 is possible as long as the cases are not 30-40 thousand cases as we observed a month ago. “The government is thinking about possible restrictions for the Christmas period or there may be an exemption for the movements between small municipalities?” I am left with my idea: the approach we have today, I still hope that everyone with the yellow Regions but with those closures and the blockade between the Municipalities, is maintained ”, he concluded.
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