The meeting between the government and the heads of delegation lasted until late at night to study the anti-Covid measures in view of the holiday season. At the center of the discussion between the majority forces, the images circulated throughout the day on Sunday, with four Italian regions back in yellow zone me crowds of people that have crowded the streets, discos and shops of the main cities. Situations that, repeatedly repeated by the government, must be avoided to avoid the hypothesis of a third wave in january, in the middle of the vaccination campaign. Thus, the idea that was born from the executive, and that will also be discussed during the meeting scheduled at 10 with the Scientific technical committee, Is to do the whole red zone of Italy (resulting in the new closure of bars, restaurants, shops and all activities deemed unnecessary and limits to travel from home) or orange on holidays and days before holidays, to try to limit travel, with a humiliation by and Municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants from which, according to the first proposal, it will be possible to advance towards areas within a radius of 30 kilometers.
“For months, we have all been committed, with great and small sacrifices, in the battle against Covid-19 – said the Prime Minister on Facebook, Giuseppe Conte, at the end of the summit – Our national community, despite a thousand difficulties, has managed to show a strong spirit of cohesion and a great sense of responsibility. I am convinced that we will continue to demonstrate this strength also in the coming weeks, on the occasion of the Christmas holidays. We must continue to commit ourselves and remain vigilant to combat contagion. “
In the group of penalty shooters who continue to call for the firmness line, as has been done in recent days, there is also the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, which in an interview with Corriere della Sera says that “the photos of the meetings show unjustifiable scenes, irrational, irresponsible. Conte has always been rigorous, but listens to everyone’s proposals. It is one thing to move between small municipalities and neighboring towns. But expanding municipal limits to the entire province, as requested by the right, would be a mistake. Citizens would take it as a free all“.
According to the representative of the Democratic Party, the way forward is to Angela Merkel what in Germany imposed the hard confinement until January 10: “It is a choice that I personally share. We have to fully tell ourselves if the Christmas holidays should serve us to secure the country or if they should be guided only by the will of promote business. At this time, business and health cannot be reconciled. And I have the greatest respect for those who have the weight of economic activity on their shoulders ”. The President of Liguria, Giovanni toti, is among those who argue that the economy cannot be penalized at Christmas, but Boccia defines this representation of reality as “simplistic, this division between openings and sanctioners. We must understand that when there is an epidemic and there are no drugs, travel should be avoided. Not me, but science. We from the P.S, as reiterated Gypsies, we want more restrictive measures, rather than openness. As for the economy, the government has assigned the largest plan since the war in billions. “
However, the first to take sides against the opening to travel between small municipalities is the Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca: “If we open mobility in small municipalities, which have 10 million inhabitants, there will be nothing more to do because we will have a dramatic resumption of the infection in January,” he said in statements to What’s the weather like. De Luca also rejected the government’s options “that were irregular”, which partially stopped the contagion, but the result was the extension to all of Italy.