Coronavirus, the vaccine plan: 1.8 million doses to the Regions by mid-January, “V day” was anticipated



The first vaccinations at the beginning of the year throughout Europe, in Italy the dose range for health and RSA distributed between 10 and 15 January. Movements between municipalities for vacations: the government studies small exceptions.

by Marzio Bartoloni

Arcuri: vaccinations from mid-January. Symbol of the field a flower designed by Boeri

The first vaccinations at the beginning of the year throughout Europe, in Italy the dose range for health and RSA distributed between 10 and 15 January. Movements between municipalities for vacations: the government studies small exceptions.

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Now Italy is also trying to use Covid vaccines. As Il Sole 24 Ore anticipated yesterday, the first administrations will take place in early 2021 and no more at the end of January. If by December the EU drug agency gives the green light to the Pfizer Biontech vaccine, now discounted after yesterday’s approval by the US Food and Drug Administration, the first vaccinated in Italy will already be early next year when could there be a European “V-day”. A “day of the vaccine” in which the first administrations simultaneously in EU countries, even if it is a “symbolic quota”, underlines the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, who has been working on this acceleration for days.

Then, in mid-January, the vaccination machine will begin to be fully operational because emergency commissioner Arcuri, who met with governors on Saturday, asked to be ready by January 10 and 15, when Pfizer could already distribute 1.8 million. . of doses in the nearly 300 hospitals identified by the Regions. From there we will begin to vaccinate health workers and guests and staff of the Residences for the Elderly (more than 1.8 million people) with the first dose section.




On Saturday Arcuri asked the Regions to confirm the exact people to be vaccinated in this first phase for tomorrow in order to communicate the data to Pfizer, which will bring the doses directly to the administration centers. By the 18th, however, you will need to know how many are ready to join (as is known, there is no obligation to vaccinate). After this first phase, we will proceed with the other higher risk categories starting at more than 80 (4.4 million) counting, if all goes well, in more than 10 million doses by March (two administrations are needed) that arrive from Pfizer and Moderna. Then it is expected that the other vaccines will also arrive, starting with Astrazeneca, which could be delayed a few weeks, after some problems with the most effective dose. But Franco Locatelli, president of the Higher Health Council and member of the CTS reassures: “Compatible with the availability of vaccine doses, it is reasonable to think that at the end of summer we will offer the vaccine to all residents of our country.”

Prudence for the holidays

Meanwhile, on Saturday, December 12, the new infections grow again –19,903, with 649 victims that would take Italy to the top of the European ranking by number of deaths, surpassing England – remind us that we cannot lower the guard. The government continues to be very cautious with the openings to travel between municipalities on December 25, 26 and January 1. For now we only think of exceptions between small municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants and a few kilometers between them. But the technical crux of which vehicle to use for the modification of holiday restrictions remains: there would be no time for amendments to the Christmas decree, given the overcrowding in Parliament. And there are those who are also thinking of an ad hoc decree. Time is running out: on Wednesday a motion from the center-right is scheduled in the Senate that aims to annul the prohibitions and it is clear that the government cannot reach that date without its proposal.
