Florence, December 13, 2020 – “It’s a bit short, maybe hours, to become the yellow zone. Of course, there is bitterness due to the evident disparity in treatment with other regions ”. Eugenio Giani, president of Tuscany, invited to Pistoia for an exhibition-tribute to health personnel, returns to the topic of the moment. The one with the coronavirus restrictions and the colors of Regions.
“We remain oranges for a while, now there are a few days, maybe hours, to become the yellow zone – says Giani – I repeat my bitterness because there is a clear disparity in treatment between a Tuscany that is now fifteenth in the parameters of how Covid has penetrated our society, while in front of us, in a more problematic situation, there are many regions that are in the yellow zone ”.
But meanwhile, commercial and productive activities remain under pressure on the president. “The situation of our commercial and tourist activities, all, without exception, it’s tragic. Maybe they didn’t understand it in Rome, but every day lost is dramatic for us. That is why we asked and obtained from the governor of our Region Eugenio Giani to be received on Tuesday, to present our requests: at this point they cannot wait another hour ”: Alberto Marini and Franco Marinoni say on behalf of the two associations. of the commercial sector of the province of Florence, Confcommercio and Confesercenti.
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