Bologna, December 13, 2020 – Deaths related to the Coronavirus, but increases the positivity rate: this emerges from today’s newsletter on the progress of pandemic in Emilia Romagna.
Its 11,137 tampons carried out, they were detected 1,940 new positives (yesterday there were 1,807 new cases in the region), of which 1,001 asymptomatic due to regional detection and contact tracing activities. The percentage of new positives over the number of proof done in the last 24 hours is 17.4%, an increase compared to Saturday the 12th when it was 10% and a lot higher than the national that today is in11.7%.
In the region are 43 new deaths, in sharp decline compared to yesterday (82).
Patients admitted to intensive care I am 220 (-2 compared to yesterday), 2,819 in other Covid departments (+6).
95.2% of active cases are isolated at home, with no or mild symptoms. The mean age of the new positives is 46.7 years.
Covid Italy, data and table with the numbers of the regions
Result 17,938 new cases in Italy (compared to 19,903 yesterday) me 484 dead (yesterday 649). The total of contagion 1,843,712 since the start of the pandemic, deaths are 64,520. This is what emerges from the data provided by the Ministry of Health.
I am 152,697 me tampons carried out for Covid in Italy in the last 24 hours, almost 44 thousand less than yesterday. The positivity rate rises to 11.7%, more than a point and a half compared to yesterday when it was 10.1%.
I am 3,158 hospitalized patients by Covid in intensive care, with a negative balance between inputs and outputs of 41 persons in the last 24 hours. Daily admissions to intensive care were 152. In ordinary wards, on the other hand, according to data from the ministry, 27,735 runners at 333 compared to Saturday.
Meanwhile, today some aspects of the Covid vaccination plan have been presented: ‘Italy is reborn with a flower’ is the title of the coronavirus vaccination plan, which consists of three elements: the campaign logo (a primrose) and the its decline; the project of temporary pavilions for the administration of the vaccine in the main Italian squares; and an agile information totem to locate in public places.
At the national level, the latest monitoring of the control room of the Ministry of Health For the period from November 30 to December 6, there is an incidence of diagnoses of COVID-19 only slightly decreasing, “still high and far from levels that allow the recovery of the containment phase and especially with a strong variability between regions”.
The pressure on hospitals in Italy has decreased slightly both in intensive care both in the other Covid departments, “but the impact on services is still strong.” This is a framework that underlies a diversified framework at the regional and subregional level.
According to the follow-up, “the epidemiological situation ofthe epidemic is still serious“. For this reason, it is recommended not to foresee reductions in measures to contain contagion at the territorial level,” including those of the mobility, in addition to the need to maintain a high level of attention to behavior ”, since“ a resumption of infection in a context of still very high incidence that would have very serious consequences for the country ”.
Contagions today in Emilia Romagna: the figures by province. How many are the symptomatic
Since the beginning of the Coronavirus epidemic, they have been registered in the region 144,755 cases of positivity, 1,940 more than yesterday, out of a total of 11,137 swabs made in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives over the number of swabs performed since yesterday is 17.4%.
Of the newly infected 1001 are asymptomatic identified as part of regional contact tracing and screening activities: 436 were identified through contact tracing, 83 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 27 through serological screening, 13 through recovery. The epidemiological investigation is still ongoing for 442 cases.
Of the new positives, 355 were already in isolation at the time of swabbing, 445 were identified within known foci.
The situation of infections in the provinces is appreciated Modena with 429 new cases, Bologna (418), Rimini (213), Ravenna (197), Reggio emilia (176), Ferrara (108), Piacenza (101), Parma (Ninety-two). Then there‘Imolese (91), Forlì (62) and Cesena (53).
These are the cases of positivity in the area since the beginning of the epidemic, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made: 13,773 a Piacenza (+101 compared to yesterday, of which 55 symptomatic), 11,658 to Parma (+92, of which 61 symptomatic), 20,328 to Reggio emilia (+176, of which 76 symptomatic), 26,569 Modena (+429, of which 195 symptomatic), 28,457 years Bologna (+418, of which 198 symptomatic), 4,466 cases a Imola (+91, of which 42 symptomatic), 7,327 to Ferrara (+108, of which 19 symptomatic), 10,167 to Ravenna (+197, of which 107 symptomatic), 5,083 years Forlì (+62, of which 42 symptomatic), 4,702 years Cesena+53, of which 36 symptomatic) and 12,225 to Rimini (+213, of which 108 symptomatic).
Covid deaths registered in the last 24 hours in the region
There are 43 new deaths: 4 in the province of Piacenza (3 men of 73,65,76 years and a woman of 89); a woman in that of Parma, 92 years old; 3 in the of Reggio emilia (2 men aged 70 and 71 and a woman aged 92); 7 in the of Modena (4 men of years and 3 women of 65.85, 93 years); 20 in the of Bologna (11 men of 90, 78, 72, 75, 85, 71, 67, 77, 65, 91, 83 and 9 women of 80, 84, 91, 77, 76, 82, 92, 96, 94). In Ferrara there were 2 deaths (a 66-year-old man and a 79-year-old woman); 4 in the province of Ravenna (all women 89, 86, 91, 96 years old) and a man a Cesena 84 years. Finally, a 65-year-old man who lived outside the region passed away.
Where the most serious patients are hospitalized
Patients admitted to intensive care there are 220 (-2 compared to yesterday), 2,819 those of other Covid departments (+6).
In the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 13 to Piacenza (-2 compared to yesterday), 15 a Parma (-1), 30 to Reggio emilia (+4), 42 to Modena (+1), 57 to Bologna (-1), 6 a Imola (-1), 17 a Ferrara (no change since yesterday), 13 a Ravenna (no change), 5th Forlì (no change), 2 years Cesena (-1) and 20 a Rimini (-1).
Active and cured cases: the numbers of Emilia Romagna
The number of active cases, that’s me real patients, is 64,762 (+791 compared to yesterday). Of these, people isolated at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are asymptomatic, are 61,723 (+787) in total, 95.3% of all active cases.
People as a whole heal I am 1,106 in more than yesterday and reach 73,421.
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