CARRARA – Tatiana Casini, a 35-year-old freelancer living in Carrara, is the story of a long-term Covid-19 positive woman due to an ASL error. The health company, in fact, would have made an antigenic swab instead of a molecular one. “I would like to report the many inefficiencies of ASL Toscana
Northwest in handling the health emergency – it begins with a long letter – and in particular the fact that the Mass Hygiene Office denied me the release of the cure certificate because ASL has mistakenly performed a rapid antigenic swab, contrary to the prescription made by my doctor, who had correctly prescribed a molecular swab with specific cause “end of isolation” “.
On November 7 – says the woman – I begin to complain of the first mild symptoms and being Saturday, I wait for Monday, November 9 to contact my doctor, who immediately prescribes me a molecular swab, since in the previous days I had entered into contact with people. positive, he explains that I should have connected to the Tuscany Region portal created for this purpose to allow citizens to reserve the tampon independently, entering the number of the electronic prescription and suggests that I connect at midnight since, given the enormous request for tampons and since it is possible to reserve for the next day only, the available seats in the nearby self-service places would soon be sold out. So, despite the weakness and fatigue, at midnight I connect to the portal in question and can reserve the tampon for Wednesday, November 11 in Avenza. On Saturday, November 14, a week after the start of isolation, the report indicating my positivity for Covid 19 and on the SmartSST Toscana App is published on the portal http://referticovid.sanita.toscana.it. In the afternoon I am contacted by the personnel in charge of carrying out the tracking, who after having notified me of the communication of home isolation and a similar quarantine measure for the people who live with me, explains some operational methods including the need to carry out a selective collection of waste. From that moment I no longer have any type of telephone contact with the Asl staff and in particular with the Office of Hygiene and, as the days go by, in accordance with my doctor I decide to undergo a new molecular swab on the 25th . / 11/2020, moving autonomously, making the relevant appointment in Avenza, again connecting to the Region portal, at midnight. The result of the exam will be published later on the portal http://referticovid.sanita.toscana.it, as well as on the SmartSST Toscana application, only in
03/12/2020 ″.
“To be autonomous – continues the citizen – and to have the need to return to work, with the
Days go by without having news about the result of the examination performed, I decide to activate myself through direct contact with the analysis center to at least obtain communication of the result of the swab, not being in possession of any indication of phone numbers or emails . contact in case of non communication of the report (if I had waited for the regular publication I would have had to wait 8 days after the execution!), but unfortunately I find out that I am still positive at low load. In the urge to go back to work, my doctor prescribes a third tampon 7 days after the previous one and once again, no
When contacted by the Hygiene Office, I proceed independently, connecting with difficulty at midnight to the portal in charge and managing to make an appointment for the third buffer for 12/02/2020 in Avenza. Not having news of the result again in the following days, as no publication was made on the dedicated portal, on Saturday 5 December I find a new citizen support service on the ASL Toscana Nord Ovest website to obtain It helps in viewing the report, so I decide to fill in the form with my personal data, explaining that, despite the days that have passed, the swab made on 02/12/2020 has not yet been communicated to me or published on the portal. Not receiving a response, I decide to contact the Office of Hygiene of
Massa, in addition to sending the request to the email address [email protected], but again I do not receive any kind of feedback. Bitter by the length of communication times and bureaucratic difficulties, I choose to send a certified email to the address of ASL Toscana Nord Ovest and the URP of Massa Carrara ”.
Finally, on December 7, exactly one month after the isolation began, the woman was contacted first by URP staff and then by the head of the Mass Hygiene Office. “I would like to reiterate that until that moment I had not had any kind of contact with the personnel of the aforementioned office, except with the initial follow-up, which instead should also take care of the programming of the swabs of the citizens who had positive results. However, in my case, having never received any phone calls from the competent Hygiene Office, I always activated myself by booking online with the inconveniences related to the night alarm clock, it is
in fact, it is unacceptable for bedridden people to have to wake up at night as the system allows you to reserve tampons only for the next day. As if this were not enough of the telephone conversation with the head of the Mass Hygiene Office, I was surprised to learn that since the ASL has carried out a rapid antigenic test on the material they took from me on the occasion of the last swab of 02/12 2020 (whose report will be later
published on the portal only on 09/12/2020, 7 days after the execution), instead of a molecular for “end of isolation” as correctly requested by my doctor, the aforementioned Office of Hygiene cannot issue me the certificate of cure, although I was negative, this is because the ASL does not recognize the validity of antigenic agents to declare the cure of patients. On the phone, they also explained to me that the Region, to face the shortage of raw materials, decided long ago to favor the use of quick swabs, so an antigen test is carried out first on the material taken and, before a positive result, a molecular test is done on the same material, otherwise it stops on the negative antigen, but my
It is also specified that at the same time the ASL requires the negative molecular to issue the certificate of cure. The new mechanism described therefore makes sense only in the case of a first swab to determine if a subject is positive to carry out a first investigation, in other cases it is completely useless because the ASL does not consider that rapid tests are sufficient for cure . In light of this, it is automatic to assume that in my case the ASL did not realize that the buffer they prescribed was molecular, with the causal “end of isolation”, an error presumably due to incorrect and inefficient communication between the different ASL offices. , caused by the succession of a series of organizational disruptions fueled by the situation of emergency chaos. However, the person in charge of the Office of Hygiene explains to me that, having been in isolation for more than 21 days, he had the possibility of obtaining the long-term positive certificate (since it is not possible to take into account the antigen made incorrectly with the end to heal) and therefore have I need to go back to work I decide to accept “.
“What happened – says the citizen – is a serious disservice, as well as a waste of resources and time, especially considering that what happened to me could involve those employees, whose
Employers necessarily require a recovery certificate to return to service, so you would be forced to request an additional molecular swab in the hope that a simple and useless antigen will not be rerun, with consequent prolongation of isolation times , aggravated without in addition to the delays with which the reports are published on the portal. From this last point of view, it is also unacceptable that to obtain the results of the swabs performed it is necessary to wait an average of 7 or 8 days before they become visible, a publication that is usually made after reminders of patients who are forced to make an effort by calling various ASL offices
In an attempt to contact the competent staff, this is because there is no phone number or email address to contact in case of not receiving the exam result, nor adequate information about the recently created online services to send reminders to ASL offices (for example, the one related to requesting assistance to view the report). This situation of continuous uncertainty and expectation is inserted in a psychological situation already compromised in itself. In fact, Covid 19 is a devastating and traumatizing virus, both physically and psychologically: you fear that your condition may worsen, not having the possibility of being
Visited by a doctor you do not know what is really happening to you, since for interpersonal relationships you live in constant fear of having been able or of being able to infect someone and you could never forgive yourself, so it is an evil that isolates you completely of all affections. As if that were not enough, those who are isolated are forced to face all these bureaucratic difficulties caused by a completely lopsided healthcare system ”.
“It is certainly understandable – he admits – that the current emergency situation is not easy to handle and certainly in this case the Mass Hygiene Office will be forced to face an unprecedented workload, but on the other hand it is not fair that this should be supported by citizens, already unfortunate in themselves and in a position of fragility for having contracted the virus. In fact, instead of spending resources on superfluous and useless services (such as the brand new WhatsApp system, according to which, as advertised, when saving a phone number, you must get information and assistance from ASL, but it is a pity that just be an answering machine with the same information readily available on the ASL Toscana Nord Ovest website without
allow direct contact with area offices), the Tuscany Region could have provided by increasing the staff responsible for swab analysis to speed up execution times or by increasing the Office of Hygiene staff, or by hiring workers capable of answering the phone to promptly communicate the results of the swab reports made, in case of non-publication on the portal, a service that, in addition to guaranteeing direct contact with patients, would undoubtedly be simple and easily usable even by patients of a certain age and non-practice of computer services or by those who do not have an internet connection at home ”.
“I hope that my testimony – concludes the woman – together with the critical issues highlighted by me will be of help to
improve the efficiency of a paralyzed health system and that my story acts as a stimulus to improve performance, in order to avoid in the future the repetition of these unpleasant inconveniences and inconveniences that are certainly currently generating enormous harm to citizens from my area. “