“She mistook an infection more serious than the flu for a deadly pandemic. It’s not so. “Statements hot, released just two days after the identification of the Codogno patient, those of Dr. María Rita Gismondo, and widely denied by the facts and data of the last nine months of the Coronavirus emergency. But the director in charge of Clinical Macrobiology, Virology and Bioemergency Diagnosis of the laboratory of the Sacco Hospital in Milan, during these months, has always maintained a skeptical profile in the face of the ongoing Covid emergency in Italy, so much so that she received a warning from the association of scientists Transversal pact for science to minimize the pandemic.
And if in his statements to the Italian press Gismondo has always remained vaguely skeptical about the impact of SARS-CoV-2, about data, about vaccines, about the government’s management of the pandemic, the same cannot be said of their statements. in early July to Billy Six (known in Germany for being a conspiracy journalist and denier, to), on the sidelines of a conference on Coronavirus organized in the Bundestag by the Afd, the German far-right party. All while in Italy they were already counted 35 thousand deaths from Covid.
Precisely clear (also) of these data, the words of Maria Rita Gismondo weigh like stones. According to Dr. del Sacco, between March and April in Italy there was a climate of deep confusion “with so much data and with false data.” “The main confusion – continues Gismondo – referred to the people who died with Covid or Covid. Only at the end of this period did the Ministry of Health clarify the situation, only 10, or a little more, patients have died from Covid “. And not only: “Every day the government and the Ministry of Health have published data on positives and deaths, but we are not sure that they have been controlled.”
And when asked if the images of the army trucks in Bergamo transporting the bodies out of the city were true, Gismondo replied: “I can’t say anything, I was in my laboratory. I saw the photos on television. I think it was not a good choice to air these images that have created a negative impact on a psychological level, people have panicked and confused. The government must provide security and reassure the people ”. In short, according to Gismondo, even without scientific foundations, “international governments prefer to feed panic”, and the doctor “has no idea” if we cannot trust the data, or believe in the images of Bergamo, or in much more, the reality of the facts.
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