Andrea Pirlo launches the warning in view of Genoa, it will take a lot of concentration and we will not have to fall asleep with the victory of Barcelona, a great company that must be removed from the head, we must turn the page and we must give continuity to the victory with Turin in the championship, which has not happened in several weeks. As Andrea Pirlo says: “We have to continue with this desire and rhythm, because now we have the championship and that is why we have to do better in these four games.”
The game against Barcelona was a feat not in victory but in historical measure, an unprecedented proportion, Pirlo knows that it can be a turning point: “These games bring a great awareness of improvements, so it can be an injection very confident for this last game before the break. We must have the same desire, the same concentration, because without this desire we face unpleasant surprises, so we concentrate on making great games “.
The race will be the classic game in which the rivals will try to defend and restart and we will have to be careful not to lose balance, the team is fine and everyone has recovered except Demiral and Chiellini.
The focus is on MCKennie, whom Pirlo praises: “He is adjusting well and little by little he begins to understand Italian and is able to express himself better with the boys. He is a player with a great career and a great desire with a wide room for improvement, but inclusion is one of its main qualities that is improving but can still do better ”.
But not only MCKennie, he also pays attention to the defense that is improving and according to Andrea Pirlo: “The desire to go forward is increasing. When you attack forward, even the opposing teams have fewer opportunities to come and play head-on, so you have to be in ours. We try to take the opposite half of the field trying to have an offensive pressure, so the defensive phase even when we are in our area must be aggressive and never passive and we are growing “.
The real answers, however, will come from Marassi, Genoa and Barcelona. It may be a turning point, but the trial will be one and only: the field.
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