Saint Lucia, patroness of light, who did not see the longest night there is


It is a public Sunday on December 13. Is the day of St. Lucia, the Saint of light that illuminates winter after the longest night there is (or so it was once believed). Lucia is the patron saint of Syracuse, among others, of eyes, ophthalmologists, the blind and electricians. It is celebrated on this day because his martyrdom took place on December 13, 304.

She was a young woman from a wealthy family, without a father. Praying Sant’Agata for the health of his mother he had a vision of the saint who replied: “Why do you ask me what you can achieve by yourself?” The girl decided to consecrate herself to the Lord after her maternal healing and destined all her heritage to the poor.

Her fiancé denounced her as christian. He was then prosecuted under the edicts of the Emperor Diocletian. They threatened to expose her to prostitutes, but her body became so heavy that they could not move her. She spent a night with the soldiers and was subjected to various torments, in the end she was beheaded.

Santa Lucia, like Santa Claus, brings gifts. In some regions of northern Italy there is a tradition of the letter written to the Saint to receive gifts. The little ones should go to bed early and leave some food for Santa Lucia and hay for the donkey that drives his cart.

After her death, according to legend, the Saint was allowed to return to Earth to bring joy to the children on the night of December 13. Most likely it was the emperor Costantino, bringing Christianity to the Roman Empire, to choose the day of Lucia’s martyrdom as the one on which it was celebrated instead of the pagan winter solstice.

San Lucía’s is not the longest night there is, although the rhyme is very good. Before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in 1500, it was close to the winter solstice, but with the new calendar there is a difference of just over a week. We must wait for Monday 21, this year, the longest night of the year, the night of the winter solstice.

Many rites still in vogue today are linked to light. In Sweden Tradition tells that the eldest daughter wears a white dress and a red belt and a crown of leaves and seven candles on her head. Wake up the family by bringing the cookies prepared the day before.

The ancient goddess who connects with Lucia is Artemide, to which the Syracuse island of Ortigia was consecrated. They are both virgins and Artemis is also remembered as the goddess of light. There is also an affinity with Demeter, goddess of the fields. Legend has it that the night before December 13, the Saint flies over the fields with a crown of light to restore fertility.

Saint Lucia is often represented with a plate on which the gaze rests. However, there is no basis for the episode in which the saint gouged out her eyes. The fact of being the patron of the sight is linked to the name of Lucia, of lux, light, in Latin.


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