LAST PHASE OF BAD WEATHER, this is where IT WILL HIT in the next few hours «3B Meteo


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Weather Sunday next hours
Sunday weather next hours

STILL UNSTABLE IN THE FAR SOUTH: With a minimum clearly visible in the satellite images, the low pressure vortex that on Saturday affected a large part of the north-central regions and especially Sardinia is rapidly heading towards the Tyrrhenian Sea, dragging all the instability with it. During the night, rains and showers, including local thunderstorms, affected mainly Sicily and the lower Adriatic with accumulations of up to 25 mm in the Messina, 20 mm in Palermo and 16 mm in Foggiano. Some residual rains, not very significant, also affected Sardinia and the Apennines in the interior of the Center with light snowfalls around 1000-1200 m. To the nord and in particular in Valpadana the return of the mists testifies to the advent of the new, more stable air mass associated with the arrival of high pressure. Mists that have also favored generalized phenomena of thermal inversion with sub-zero lows on the plains, even up -3 ° C in the areas of Milan and Asti and weakly positive values ​​instead in the hills and sometimes up to 1000m in the Alps. On the other hand, the frosts in the valleys of the Center are sporadic, still absent in the South with minimums of up to 12-14 ° C in Salento and Ionian Calabria.

NEXT HOURS FORECASTS: the vortex of low pressure the extreme south regions will continue to penalize most of the day, but instability will gradually diminish. We will find the most significant phenomena in the lower Tyrrhenian and therefore in Northern sicily between Palermo and Messinés, where they can still have character storm as well as in Puglia. Instead, they will be more isolated in Calabria and Basilicata, while in Campania we will have more sun. Sun that will prevail over the central-north regions with the exception of a few Fog bank which, although partially dissolved, can persist in some areas of the plain. Temperature will generally be mild increase. me the winds are still tense north in the south and in the middle Adriatic with very rough seas, also locally rough the Ionian.

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The wave of bad weather will be accompanied by sustained winds that will sweep different areas of our Peninsula. For all the details, see our wind maps.

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