Rome, December 13, 2020 – The government line is: it is okay to travel on Christmas, San Boxing and New Year’s Eve but only between neighboring municipalities, probably with a limit to municipalities with less than 5-10 thousand inhabitants or for a maximum radius 20-30 kilometers from the residence or domicile. The government, on the other hand, opposes exceptions to provincial travel or, worse still, between regions. If the details of the changes are still under discussion, the guidance is clear enough. If this is the way that should lead to the rewriting of any regulation, the technical tool to modify the Dpcm of December 3 has not yet been found but the predominant orientation is that the modification will not be by dpcm or decree, but with an amendment . (that would be presented on Tuesday not …
Rome, December 13, 2020 – The government line is: ok al transfers at Christmas, San Esteban and New Year’s Eve but only between Neighboring municipalities, probably with a limit to municipalities with less than 5-10 thousand inhabitants or for a maximum radius of 20-30 kilometers of residence or domicile. Instead, the government opposes exceptions to provincial or, worse, interregional travel. If the details of the changes are still under discussion, the guidance is clear enough.
If this is the way that should lead to the rewriting of some rules, the technical tool to modify the Dpcm of December 3 However, it has not yet been found but the predominant orientation is that the change will not be by dpcm or decree, but an amendment (which would be presented on Tuesday not by the government but by majority parliamentarians) during the conversion of the Christmas decree, to be examined by the Chamber. It would be a solution consistent with what the premier said Giuseppe Conte, which asked Parliament to take responsibility for amending the decree. Certainly, times are tight and the government still wants to act before the opposition’s motion calling for an opening to travel at the provincial level was discussed on Wednesday.
“One thing – he explained the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia – It is to clarify, and it can be done, if there is the possibility of a passage between neighboring municipalities because there are families on the borders; Another is to say that we remove the borders so that everyone can go where they want because we cannot exempt ourselves from celebrating Christmas. Neither I, nor Minister Speranza, nor the other members of the government have the intention of deviating from the rigor and defense of the most fragile. If they want to eliminate or cancel or loosen travel restrictions in all Italian municipalities, they will find Minister Speranza and me very against it, because we will not allow it ”.
Lombardy and Piedmont yellow zone: what changes. New rules for traveling
The prime minister, who would not object to a loosening of the rules even a little broader than what Speranza and Boccia are available, will have to take this into account. The rigorous wing of the government has the opinion of the technicians on its side. “The curve is decreasing – reiterated yesterday the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità Silvio Brusaferro – but it’s a slow decline. As of December 9, the incidence was 193 per 100,000 inhabitants, a very high figure and far from allowing us to move from the mitigation phase to the containment phase. We must avoid reducing mitigation measures, including mobility measures, which would fatally result in an increase in cases ”.
“It is clear that, as the measures on risk behaviors are relaxed, the epidemic resumes,” he remarked. Gianni Rezza, general director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health. “The holidays in other countries – added the president of the ISS – show that, if we relax, there is an immediate increase in cases. It is a ‘Covid Christmas’ unfortunately: you have to live it in a different way as regards affection, but not in the traditional way we are used to. We need a lot of caution, we must move little and avoid moments of coexistence with many people “.
Another issue related to the relaxation or not of the rules is that of the location of the Regions. In particular Tuscany strongly asks to return to the yellow zone. “I have addressed the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health – says Governor Eugenio Giani – a firm and clear call on behalf of all citizens so that the control room can act quickly. Given the data and the Rt index for the last three weeks, Tuscany deserves what the numbers say: the yellow zone. Keeping her in the orange zone was an unfair and unmotivated choice ”. Yesterday, Governor Giani spoke with Minister Speranza, but the phone call was inconclusive. They will be felt again at the beginning of the week.
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