Check the hypothesis of three deputies. The surrounded premier thinks everything to stay


A Count with three vice premieres (Zingaretti, Di Maio and Renzi) or continue like a train until rest? At Palazzo Chigi the options for getting out of the corner are evaluated. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is under siege. Renzi hits hard like a hammer. The Democratic Party (but it is not compact) tries to build a security cordon around the prime minister. In the M5 there is no rush to proceed with the reorganization. But Chancellor Luigi Di Maio considers the idea not a problem. Because it would be useful to put some chairs on the plate for the Di Battista-Casaleggio branch. And in fact, yesterday Conte received the support of ex-parliamentarian Alessandro Di Battista, who until a week ago threatened to blow up the executive. The shakeup under the Christmas tree could be a chance to catch some disappointed trumpeted grillini like Barbara Lezzi and Danilo Toninelli. In most, you can navigate on sight. Matteo Renzi’s movements are expected. Yesterday Conte, in the video message sent for the Equologica event, reiterated a couple of concepts. First, the prime minister “asked everyone to work in the same direction”, hoping for “a new beginning, a cultural, social, political and even economic renaissance.”

On the issue of the Recovery Fund, issue of the confrontation with the Renzianos, the head of government pointed out: “They are not empty electoral slogans but rather a precise political agenda, and my action has always been oriented towards the commitment to reduce the inequality gap. social, to the creation of a solidarity network for the inclusion of all. ”In 2021, Conte can still be seen at Palazzo Chigi. In fact,“ it will be the year of challenges. ”Without the words of the head of government, the The race for early elections is no longer a taboo. So much so that the new Chamber and Senate colleges have been defined. Conte will meet with the leader of Italia viva in the coming days to understand to what extent a negotiation is possible. Pd’s front comes to a halt to a reorganization. But the position is not unanimous. The official line is not to accept Renzian’s games. Position reaffirmed yesterday by secretary Nicola Zingaretti who closed the door to a Count: “From We must be aware that problems are not narrated, they are not mounted, they are not contemplated, but rather they are faced because the rebirth goes from defeating the virus ”. The Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, goes straight to the threat: “The current government was the only alternative to the Lega-M5 and if it fails, the only path left is the one that leads to the polls.” There is no compact front. Andrea Orlando and Goffredo Bettini are pushing to start negotiations on the reorganization. It seems that the verification path has been taken. Conte will see Renzi, Di Maio and Zingaretti separately. And then you will formulate your proposal.

However, since yesterday, Fico’s grain has also sprouted at Giallorossi’s house. The Speaker of the Chamber in an interview with Repubblica threatened the vote: “This is not a time for blackmail. If this executive falls, the only possible way would be to vote. The conditions are not in place for a new majority. Words that made the leaders of the Democratic Party and Italy jump from their seats. Declarations and conflicts that now run the risk of making the head of State Sergio Mattarella lose his patience.
