Nobody understands what Conte government for the release of 18 fishermen seized in Libya. And even from the P.S – from Trapani – the party secretary is urged, Nicola Zingaretti, to move. “The story of the 18 fishermen from Mazara del Vallo blocked in Libya for more than a hundred days is an open wound for the Trapani community and for Italy. There is a risk that the seizure of the “Antartide” and “Medinea” fishing boats, and their respective crews, falls into a shadow: it would be unacceptable. “This was written by the provincial secretary of the Pd of Trapani, Domenico Venuti, in a letter sent to the national secretary Nicola Zingaretti. In the letter, Venuti calls for “a decisive and forceful intervention so that the Italian government can implement all possible solutions to find a way out of a distressing situation for the families of the sailors, despite to be the protagonists of this matter themselves. “” But obviously nothing will happen: the government does not think about fulfilling its duty.