The assault of migrants on abandoned railroad cars


The area is that of Parque Roya, in Ventimiglia, in the province of Imperia, not far from the old reception center of the Red Cross, which until last July housed hundreds of foreign, who could count on free food and accommodation, pending a clandestine passage across the border, as an alternative to the possibility of applying for a residence permit for humanitarian purposes in Italy.

Now that the free trip is over, also due to the Coronavirus health emergency, in the absence of a structure in which to find shelter for a few days, the migrants manage as they can, searching coat in the vast railway area, which extends from the city center, where the international rail yard is located, to the periphery.

Unfortunately, however, unlike last summer, when high temperatures made it possible to camp along the riverbed or on the beach, it is now necessary to take shelter indoors. To eat, however, Caritas is always active, which continues to offer assistance to people in transit. In this case we are in the Bevera area, in the middle of a dozen abandoned tracks in the undergrowth. A couple of old men stand out there wagons splattered with graffiti, they seem to have come out of some American “dump”, where in recent days several foreigners, mostly Africans or Asians, have found refuge, waiting for the right moment to leave the country.

The news of the end of the confinement in FranceAs of next December 15, when it will once again be possible to move throughout the country (and also in Italy), it has attracted many migrants, who have a relaxation of border controls to leave our country. Already today, in fact, in the Ponte San Ludovico pass, in the Aurelia by the sea, you can only see a police patrol.

Agents appear to no longer verify self-certifications, but instead look inside cars, as part of what we might call normal counter-terrorism and counter-terrorism checks.clandestine immigration. From time to time they stop some way to inspect the trunk, but if everything is in order they restart almost immediately. Hard times are over for cross-border travelers, who until a few days ago had to leave at dawn to go to work in the Principality of Monaco, some twenty kilometers away due to constant checkpoints and long lines.
