Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte tries to find the solution to the puzzle to stay glued to the couch, while Renzian threatens to disconnect him. And the 5 stars are ready to lift the barricades on what could be the government’s last battleground, the Covid superbond extension.
Understand everyone’s true intentions, perhaps through a multi-step comparison process. Get to know the group or delegation leaders first, then the leaders. In a series of two-way conversations, testing the terrain before a coalition summit that, wanting to be decisive in one sense – saving and relaunching the Government, dissolving all the knots on the table – could be decisive in the other, bringing down the Curtain. in office two: the prime minister is still studying what to do, but he knows that the ultimatum placed by Matteo Renzi on the control room that will have to manage the funds of the Recovery plan and on the basis of the secret services has triggered a process explosive that must be stopped as soon as possible.
“The contortions of the majority that support Count bis exhume the vocabulary of the First Republic, unfortunately not the political skills and qualities of that time. From verification to reorganization, from the top of the majority to Conte Ter: if we were in the summer would be the hypothesis even a government of the sea “, says Mariastella Gelmini, leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber of Deputies.” But the problem is not whether the Prime Minister will overcome the Christmas or Easter holidays, but how the Italians will get out of the dramatic economic crisis that the pandemic has generated. It is no longer time for political alchemy “, concludes the Italian.
In the last hours there have been no contacts, not even among the Sherpas who usually anticipate negotiations, but the idea would be to close the party if not before the holidays. The Renzians are still on the warpath. “For us, Conte can do whatever he wants, as long as he knows that we do not change our mind”, is the message left by Iv’s headquarters. Renzi does not intend to withdraw now – he reiterates to his followers – it is a matter of principle. In any case, he will not return to Rome before Tuesday. The leader responds to those who (more recently Francesco Boccia according to whom “whoever talks about a crisis is disconnected from the real life of the country”) accuses him of not thinking about the health emergency: “In these hours, the controversy is increasing between who say that politics can be done in the middle. I have a different concept of the word politics – he puts pen on paper in his enews – Yes, in the face of the most serious postwar economic crisis, Parliament cannot do politics because he can’t argue where to put our money. Children and the government must be replaced by a task force of three hundred consultants means that something is wrong. “
Teresa Bellanova fights alongside the former prime minister and reiterates that she is ready to step back. “We would like to continue giving our contribution to solve the problems of this country, if instead we think that Iv is superfluous and that the issues we are asking for are visibility, our positions are available. Then the majorities will be decided in Parliament.” , He warns. And if Renzi and his team assure that it will not be an armchair to put things in order, the specter of a remodeling continues to haunt the corridors of the palaces. Roberto Fico does not see a Count three or a Draghi (possible according to others) on the horizon: “This is not a time for blackmail. If this executive falls, the only possible way would be to vote. The conditions for a new majority are not there.” “cut short.
The stop dem. The risks of a reorganization are terrible, the hypothesis of a ‘bridge government’ also open to the right to absolute exclusion. “There is no verification. It is being discussed: our objective is to improve the Government. If that is the objective, we are there, if instead we want to make it fall a priori, as Renzi seems to want to do, then we are not …” Leaks of the Nazarene – Conte will speak with the political forces, we are waiting to see what he says: we need more collegiality, the prime minister must resolve the issues ”. Nicola Zingaretti says it clearly: “You have to be aware that problems are not narrated, they are not mounted, they are not contemplated, they are studied to have a starting point, but the challenge is that of rebirth,” he insists. Conte agrees: the pandemic, the prime minister reiterates, represents “a milestone” and the Recovery Plan will have to be done not “with empty electoral slogans but with a precise political agenda.” To drive home the result, he admits, it will take “the strength of people working in the same direction.”
Meanwhile, a new grain opens in the M5S house, with the pentastellati ready to lift the barricades without a ‘congruent’ extension of the superbonus. As the parties fight, a new call for cohesion comes from Sergio Mattarella. The Head of State renews his message on the occasion of the anniversary of the Piazza Fontana attack: the massacre “challenged the identity of the Republic in a demanding manner, provoking a decisive unity of the peoples – he emphasizes – to defeat violence, terrorism, subversion” .