Massimo Gramellini talks about the moment he is going through at school and distance education, a way of teaching that you don’t have to get used to.
The journalist and writer Massimo Gramellini talks about school and distance learning in the course a Zai.net, the magazine published by Mandragola Editrice and created by high school students from all over Italy.
On school closings and individualism, Gramellini says: “A child or a child alone cannot grow in the same way as a partner who is lucky enough to have exchanges with others. Of course, now is a special moment, we are all called to sacrifices, and the students and their teachers have given an extraordinary test of seriousness, commitment, responsibility. However, we must avoid a danger: get used to thinking that all this is normal. We must continue to live loneliness as an exception, necessary in some cases, but limited in time.“.
The reporter expresses his regret that after months of preparations for the students to go back to school, they had to go back to high school to take lessons from home “:The decision to close schools is only one part of a health emergency that we are forced to respond to. But we had months to prepare, we knew perfectly well that there would be a second wave. There had to be plans B, in addition to closure ”.
Still: “The fact that so many institutions were asked to insure themselves, and that after only two months they were closed, is proof that the measures requested were not enough because they were not accompanied by others (I am thinking of strengthening public transport ) that a well-organized state could have prepared in time“.