The Rt index in Puglia falls below the alert level (equal to 1), but our region remains among those classified by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità as ‘high risk’, together with Emilia Romagna, the autonomous province of Trento, Sardinia and Veneto. This is what emerges from the report of the Higher Institute of Health – Ministry of Health, with the weekly monitoring of the Covid epidemic.
The national situation
At the national level, the report highlights a decrease in the Rt index: “In the period November 18-December 1, the average Rt calculated on symptomatic cases is equal to 0.82”, compared to 0.91 in the previous follow-up. “There is a reduction in the number of Autonomous Regions and Provinces where the impact of the epidemic on health services continues to be high”, continues the report, in which however it also highlights that “the incidence is still too high and the The current strong impact on health services forces us to wait before considering a relaxation of mitigation measures, including mobility measures, in addition to the need to maintain a high level of attention to behavior ”. In particular, as of December 8, 2020, “16 Regions / ASPP had exceeded at least a critical threshold” in the medical or intensive care area (including Puglia), a figure in any case lower than the 18 of the previous week. “The occupancy rate for beds in the ICU and medical areas still exceeds the critical occupancy thresholds nationwide. In general, the number of people hospitalized in the ICU has dropped slightly from 3,663 (01/12/2020) to 3,345 (08/12/12) “.
Covid in Puglia
With regard specifically to our region, in the last monitoring of the ISS the Rt index is equal to 0.87 (as mentioned, below the alert level of 1). But Puglia remains one of five regions classified as “high risk”. In particular, Puglia and Sardinia are the regions classified as high risk and / or equivalent to High risk for 3 or more consecutive weeks: “This, the report notes, provides for the adoption of specific measures at the provincial and regional level based on the document “Prevention and response to Covid-19: evolution of the strategy and planning in the transition phase for the autumn-winter period ‘”. In our region, the number of positives is currently close to 50 thousand (49,991 in yesterday’s newsletter, December 11). The number of new daily cases also remains high: with the 1,813 registered in yesterday’s bulletin, Puglia is the third region with the highest number of daily cases, after Veneto (3,883) and Lombardy (2,938). However, December 11 also highlighted a decrease in hospitalizations: for the first time in more than a month, the patients seen in health centers fell below the 1,800 threshold, precisely to 1,782.